SOP Finale Cosmic Options and Path suggestions

I'm struggling with who to use and what path. I have CG/CUll/Terrax as 6* R3's. Other than that, I don't have much in terms of cosmic's. Any path suggestions that anyone's taken so far?
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
IDK who to do with cosmic but i have a 6r3 cgr so this would be some nice info to have.
For adaptoid, use the same rotation but try to complete it fully so that Damnation debuff stays on him for a long time and he does not go unstoppable.
For video recommendation I would suggest slayer of gods. He has videos on both of these fights and will help you. Both of them are soloable.
As for grandmaster the only tip I can give you is play perfectly because of a node that says 3 blunders = game over. Also the most annoying phase is the reversed control one and I managed to hit him with an sp2 when he was wounded and the damage bought him to 1%.
I would've loved to see that phat sp2
took 8 revives for me 4 per champ, 25% health per revive. No suicides but used a 15% attack boost
knockdown and get a charge on darkhawk easy. then it's smooth sailing. then GM you do you.
Beroman has a vid if you want
Seems like i could get some beefy lvl 2 damage with toxic armor in her armor phase. Might get some good bleeds with managing her forms. Could also get some decents buffs for the ghost fight to make it quick. Also big health pool.
He's rank 3