Please give 6 star good champs like CGR, warlock, red magneto.

To whomever it may concern,
I have bought over 12000/- in indian rupees, over the past 2 months and haven't pool any good champ like Human torch, CGR, Gaurdian, warlock, guillotine 2099, etc for 5star or 6star. It will be very much helpful if someone look into this matter and provide me some good beyond God Tier champ, or else it has become meaning less to buy any more offers.
Plz look into it.
I have bought over 12000/- in indian rupees, over the past 2 months and haven't pool any good champ like Human torch, CGR, Gaurdian, warlock, guillotine 2099, etc for 5star or 6star. It will be very much helpful if someone look into this matter and provide me some good beyond God Tier champ, or else it has become meaning less to buy any more offers.
Plz look into it.
If you feel you are not pulling any good champs, then that's on RNG. If you're concerned about the money you're spending, them maybe don't spend, as you say it's meaningless.
All the best!
Me: OK kabam god's give him some of my luck, give him HB or BWCV
Reading post
Me: Give him Karnak or groot