Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for new ally

Looking for a new alliance preferably gold and 220m+ in aq
9478 prestige 377840 rating
Drop game tags line id and other in comments if interested


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    Look me up in game at MaxMUohio
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    ruthlessrellikruthlessrellik Posts: 24
    Hey, our alliance does map 5 with master mods and gets over 260 million per cycle. We do 1BG in war and are gold 3. Join our discord and I can get you set up. https://discord.gg/F5sSsERYvp
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    ZirgzZirgz Posts: 41
    Line : Zirgz

    5x5 +260m aq
    g1 tier 6-8 in war 3 bgs
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    Razor_fin91Razor_fin91 Posts: 13
    IGN razor fin no line
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    Colem2220Colem2220 Posts: 48
    We run 6x5 400+mil g2 almost g1 need a few more wins you can hit me up in game or on line colem2220
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    Bigron79Bigron79 Posts: 67

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    JaaibothaJaaibotha Posts: 142
    Map 6/5 ally. We used to run map 5x5 with Master mods (4K glory) now running 6,6,5,5,5 for two groups. The third group is running map 3 while I recruit to get it full (need 4)
    2 BGs in AW. Will finish in Gold

    Jaaibotha69 on Line if you’re interested.

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    JaaibothaJaaibotha Posts: 142

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