6star rank up or not

Gr8TonyStarkGr8TonyStark Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★
I have 6star glaive and cmm both undupe. Currently I am at 6.4.4 looking to get Thronebreaker. Also I dont run suicides or have a 5star nick. Considering I have a 5star r5 caiw, aegon, bwcv, aegon and warlock, shall I r2 any cg or cmm or wait? Also I dont have either cg or cmm as 5star or any other rankup worthy champ.

6star rank up or not 6 votes

CG to r2
Ghostspider231AssumedNameB_Dizzle_01 3 votes
CMM to r2
ScrubhanAidenTheWise 2 votes
Lyricstarfish_49 1 vote


  • StarheckStarheck Member Posts: 25
    if its r2, any top hero that fine even undupe, are worth, especially if you dont have them as max 5*.
    no need to overthink it.
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