Close Encounters...

... should be changed so you gain as much health from being close as you lose from being far.... It's such a garbage node
Oh and also True Focus is ruining the game, and just looks like a desperate attempt from Kabam to control champs they can't officially nerf without creating a mass exodus from the game...
Kabam's new motto: "GOT HARD CONTENT?!?!?! THROW IN TRUE FOCUS!!!!! No more of you guys cheating using Ghost and Quake.... No No No No.... LOL!!!!!!!

Anyways..... back to work
Oh and also True Focus is ruining the game, and just looks like a desperate attempt from Kabam to control champs they can't officially nerf without creating a mass exodus from the game...
Kabam's new motto: "GOT HARD CONTENT?!?!?! THROW IN TRUE FOCUS!!!!! No more of you guys cheating using Ghost and Quake.... No No No No.... LOL!!!!!!!

Anyways..... back to work
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Also, Close Encounters and Invade is a bit too much for me but whatever, I just won't be able to do it.
You trying to regen for the next fight bro?
It's becoming increasingly evident that this is turning to be "us vs them" mentality. The more they push for this kind of content players are going to spend less and try to find cheese methods of dealing with nodes.
I really like how @Seatin demonstrates to averege player how much money is needed to clear the content and with the champs he has at his disposal. And he is doing it in such unobtrusive way all kudos to him! @Seatin keep it up!
I would personally be inclined to spend money if content is made in a way to be accessible to all champions but if I have to spend 100€/$ to clear 16 fights something is not right with Kabam's business concept. And their offers are just disrespectful
Main - Elsa / Tigra / KM / NF / Gulk
Alt - Elsa / Gulk / NF / Aarkus / Bwcv
You were saying? (Spent around 20 revives, 15 of which were from compensation, and 5 from inventory)
Sometimes, if you can’t do it without spending a ton of revives, doesn’t mean others can’t. Just saying.