Legend Keys

RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
Recently a player posted thier frustration over the same people winning the Legend run event over and over. But there are competitions even for that, the number of times you win the title.
How it works now is that a new event is introduced, energy refills are handed out as gifts and we are told! "GO!"
To get the legend you have to complete all levels of the quest...players serious about it toss out thier biggest guys on the low level quests, push the auto fight button and just push the next nod until they have walked through and completed the paths and the lower quests "Rinse and repeat" until you get to content that requires that you yourself play.
I have an idea that would make it more difficult and even level the playing field alittle for newer players:
1) a key at the end of the path that unlocks the next path and that will not drop if the summoner takes a five star team down a 2 star path. If the summoner carries a team who's rating is massively higher than the recommended then the key won't drop and the summoner has to do the path again with a level appropriate team. No more one hitting your way through the levels on autofight. This could be a teleport node that will not teleport to the next path.
2. Tiered path and completion rewards. To discourage just walking through content. Add a tiered completion rewards. Less if you had a team that was rediculously for the quest and more (or a bonus) if you actually had to fight to finish. So that the less you challenge yourself the less the rewards. Also, makes it more important to keep a few of the lower tier champs around and put a little effort into raising them.


  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    This sounfs awful lmao
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Yeah it would reward work and effort and not just power and that sucks! It might make it necessary for some to actually raise lower tier champs...might entirely eliminate people who have sold all of thier lower tier champs off for supplies, or blown off raising any of them. Never has seemed fair that someone could one hit thier way through a quest and get exactly the same reward as some kid who is working it with everything he's got and the champs they have been investing in that aren't big enough to one hit thier way through the quest. Anyway, it would definately make things more interesting. As it stands those at the top reap tons of rewards without any real effort. Once they get to master they work, maybe even some toward the end of heroic but what are they being rewarded for at the lower levels really? For touching nodes with thier fingertip? Hmmmm...
  • KinggyyKinggyy Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2017
    Actually it’s only heroic and master you have to complete so I don’t think auto fight would be the best thing going for a legend tag.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    An additional benifit of this change is that it would close up some exploit holes. Maybe a better idea is just to have a lock that when you pick your team says "you have exceeded the rating limit" until you align your picks with the difficulty level. This giants against ants for rewards is kinda rediculous.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    And I do it too so don't get me wrong. It's there...I take advantage...who doesn't want something without much effort? Or something for nothing?
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