Are you looking for a new home? Between 7k and 10k prestige? We could be right for you...

Hello there, thanks for checking this post out!

Let me tell you a bit about us...

We are a 24m AQ focused alliance looking for 1 or 2 active players to join us.

We use Discord to communicate and coordinate and we have players from different parts of the world. Our main language for communication is English.

We run Map 5 for the first 3 days of AQ with master mods in all battlegroups and then run a Map 5-5-4 setup for the last two days. We consistently hit over 200m each AQ cycle and place in the top 4000 alliances. We are a pretty active bunch and consistently get between 500k and 750k for the Summoner Advancement event every week.

With us, AW is optional. If you are interested in getting the season rewards, you are welcome to join the minimum amount of wars per season. All that we ask is that if you join a war, that you actively participate because we still like to play to win as much as we can (without using a ton of items). We run 1 BG during the AQ cycle and 2 BG's between weekly cycles. We reached Silver 1 in the last two AW seasons.

Here is what we are looking for:
* Your prestige is 7k or more (we can still talk though if you are not quite there but can handle your own in the AQ)
* You have experience playing map 5 with master mods
* You are an active player and consistently participate in AQ
* You are looking for an alliance where you can stay for a while, contribute and grow your account with a minimum of stress

Interested? Feel free to reach out to me on discord (RhythmDevice#0127) or here and we can chat.


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