CMM vs Venom

The_HoTUThe_HoTU Member Posts: 445 ★★
I've a cosmic rank 4 to 5 gem, a rank 4 CMM (whom I recently ranked up haven't used her much) and a 5 star rank 3 venom. What should I do? Considering I don't have a heimdall and I have to deal with 6.2.2 mister sinister soon.(haven't started 6.2 yet)
My roster

CMM vs Venom 29 votes

Definitely rank up CMM
ImperiusCSpiderLazer0casual0ScrubhanHelpingThe_HoTUDraconic_12LBN1willrun4adonut 9 votes
First rank 4 venom, then rank 5 him with gem
MasterduxRahultripathipseudosaneDRTOColonaut123ZADO1991ThatOneMasterGamergforcefanEtjamate_dua_shumAdamb208pingu_tucnacekwalkerdogRenaxqqJoshKosh557 15 votes
Wait for CGR, Corvus, Hype
ChikelSoulcrisherFlyGalaxyBombMrstark123 4 votes
Other opinion
Adv 1 vote


  • 0casual00casual0 Member Posts: 457 ★★★
    Definitely rank up CMM
    If you want to deal with Sinister, definitely rank up CMM. Just don't waste your time and wait for others because you might not get them anytime soon.
  • RahultripathiRahultripathi Member Posts: 233 ★★
    First rank 4 venom, then rank 5 him with gem
    I would personally rank venom over cmm considering both are unduped and variants. Venom takes the upper hand.
  • The_HoTUThe_HoTU Member Posts: 445 ★★
    Definitely rank up CMM

    I would personally rank venom over cmm considering both are unduped and variants. Venom takes the upper hand.

    Yup both are unduped, and I've done only variant 6 yet.
  • ThatOneMasterGamerThatOneMasterGamer Member Posts: 811 ★★★
    First rank 4 venom, then rank 5 him with gem
    IMO, Venom is the better one, he has more utility and he's really great for variants.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    First rank 4 venom, then rank 5 him with gem
    0casual0 said:

    If you want to deal with Sinister, definitely rank up CMM. Just don't waste your time and wait for others because you might not get them anytime soon.

    He has Diablo, who can deal with Sinister. Venom in terms of general utility outclasses CMM.
  • SoulcrisherSoulcrisher Member Posts: 44
    Wait for CGR, Corvus, Hype
    If its just against for Mister sinister,for with Cmm(well i did the same) .Would have suggested Hyperion if u had him.Venom is a beast for everything but i never propose him for a boss fight.
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