Looking for an Alliance

My prestige is 10,818 , Thronebreaker and ....I am not much of a boss killer , I can assure you I will play both AQs and AWs everyday and can give a good hand in completing AQs and Victory in AWs and that's it... interested officers hit me on...
Hit me up if you're interested. We have bosskillers in every BG and in AW so no pressure just show up and have fun..
Contact me on LINE: crusader01 for more info. Gold 1 AW & Maps 5/6 AQ.
War g1.
ally tag: ahvs
in game: captain katy
line: captainkaty (all one word)
hit me up!
We are a global alliance with players from almost all continents - Asia, North America, Africa, North America and Europe, so timezone is not an issue for us.
Thanks for your time!
We run 7x5 aq, score around top 500
P4 aw, tier 4