Platinum 3 AW & Map 5x5 AQ

Hello guys, we search for 3 experienced and skilled players to join us before new war season...
AW platinum 3 and our goal platinum 2 , we play tier2 & tier3 wars.
Map 5 x5 AQ + epic mod
LINE id: synexoo7
AW platinum 3 and our goal platinum 2 , we play tier2 & tier3 wars.
Map 5 x5 AQ + epic mod
LINE id: synexoo7
line: synexoo7
line: synexoo7
LINE id: synexoo7
line: synexoo7
AW Plat3 tiers 3 & 2 and our goal moving to Plat2
AQ map 5x5 + epic mods
contact LINE id: synexoo7
AW Plat3 , tier 2 and 3 wars experience.
AQ map 5x5 + epic mods
contact LINE id: synexoo7
AQ just map 5x5
contact LINE id : synexoo7
note: we are plat3 bracket and we push to plat2
contact LINE id : synexoo7
contact LINE id: synexoo7
contact LINE id: synexoo7
we are platinum 3 ally and we run map 5
line: synexoo7