9mil rated map 5 alli seeks half a dozen or so new recruits

Hi all,
As per title we are a tight knit friendly international alliance who are looking to replace 5 or 6 underperforming members in one go, and replace them quickly and with little fuss.
We play map 5 and are decent enough at wars. We have minimums in duels and completion but not in anything else, and we currently have no arena requirements, though that may change soon. Weekly donations are 70k gold, 22k BC and 12.5k loyalty. We communicate via LINE.
We aren't so bothered about your rating but we want you to be comfortable playing map 5, including fighting mini bosses and bosses. We'd rather have a 100k rated Dormammu killer than a 400k lazy individual who hides behind others.
Would be happy to absorb some people all from the same alli or add people one by one.
Please add me in game to discuss: Dexter dog (no underscore).
As per title we are a tight knit friendly international alliance who are looking to replace 5 or 6 underperforming members in one go, and replace them quickly and with little fuss.
We play map 5 and are decent enough at wars. We have minimums in duels and completion but not in anything else, and we currently have no arena requirements, though that may change soon. Weekly donations are 70k gold, 22k BC and 12.5k loyalty. We communicate via LINE.
We aren't so bothered about your rating but we want you to be comfortable playing map 5, including fighting mini bosses and bosses. We'd rather have a 100k rated Dormammu killer than a 400k lazy individual who hides behind others.
Would be happy to absorb some people all from the same alli or add people one by one.
Please add me in game to discuss: Dexter dog (no underscore).
Still looking for players!
Drop me a message in game.
Still need a couple.
Add me in line: keshvin.k
Still looking guys, we need you to be proficient at map 5 including at least taking on minibosses - even at high prestige.
Please add me in game or on line (same name) to talk.