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Hercules enrage unusable ?

I don’t know if it’s bugged or working as intended but when I place an enrage debuff on the opponent the AI rushes at me only a few times (allowing me to medium intercept him) then suddenly begins to walk and light intercepts me (I precise that the timer has not expired). Sometimes I can ‘’safely’’ intercept 3-4 times but it happened also just after one … if it’s not 100% agressivity what’s the point ? To gain 2-3 charges by losing half of your hp ? It’s useless... Then the only left options is parry/heavy and then you will take block damages. I know Hercules is a very recent champ and few of us have him but am I the only one to encounter this ?



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    FiiNCHFiiNCH Posts: 1,664 ★★★★★
    It’s always been like that - just because the enrage is on didn’t mean its 100% safe to medium intercept.
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    262oo7262oo7 Posts: 28
    Use the infuriate for specials
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    UrchUrch Posts: 9

    You’re talking about infuriate?

    I believe it’s working just fine.

    Yes, sorry, infuriate.
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    UrchUrch Posts: 9
    Wasiq_75 said:

    Urch said:

    I don’t know if it’s bugged or working as intended but when I place an enrage debuff on the opponent the AI rushes at me only a few times (allowing me to medium intercept him) then suddenly begins to walk and light intercepts me (I precise that the timer has not expired). Sometimes I can ‘’safely’’ intercept 3-4 times but it happened also just after one … if it’s not 100% agressivity what’s the point ? To gain 2-3 charges by losing half of your hp ? It’s useless... Then the only left options is parry/heavy and then you will take block damages. I know Hercules is a very recent champ and few of us have him but am I the only one to encounter this ?


    Yeah same thing happening with me. When i first trigger infuriate opponent tend to walk in and do a light intercept. So when i see this is happening I changed my playstyle a bit. I don't go for intercepts immediately when i trigger Infuriate. I parry an attack or bait heavy to counter that. But after the first second of triggering infuriate they become more aggressive and you’re safe to intercept. I'd suggest using Light attack to intercept. so that they don't intercept u while you’re dashing at them.
    Thank you. I'll forget about medium intercept. But I a bit sad to have this kind of mecanics but not usable because of the AI (thank you Ghost ? )
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    UrchUrch Posts: 9
    FiiNCH said:

    It’s always been like that - just because the enrage is on didn’t mean its 100% safe to medium intercept.

    That's a pity. But if everyone find it normal, I'll just change my habits.
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    UrchUrch Posts: 9
    Malreck04 said:

    Learn one thing. Medium intercepts are NEVER safe. There’s always risk. With light intercepts however, there is the element of safety because you can dex or even better block when the opponent doesn’t go for it.

    Medium intercept with, for instance, Magic is not safe, I know ... but I encounter less problems with her and she has no infuriate... that's why I find this useless. What's the point of creating this kind of debuff if it's exactly the same has someone who doesn't have one ?
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    UrchUrch Posts: 9
    Malreck04 said:

    Learn one thing. Medium intercepts are NEVER safe. There’s always risk. With light intercepts however, there is the element of safety because you can dex or even better block when the opponent doesn’t go for it.

    Thanks, but here we speak about a specific mecanic and not just a standard medium intercept. But it's fine, I'll try to change my play and switch to light intercept. Thanks again.
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    UrchUrch Posts: 9
    262oo7 said:

    Use the infuriate for specials

    Yes, I do that also but I fisrt try to increase my Strength stacks till 12
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    Total_Domin01Total_Domin01 Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    edited December 2021
    I’ve always found it easiest to do a medium intercept with herc, I’m sure other people who aren’t speaking have too. But maybe those people aren’t on the forums

    (Edit: I’m tired and posting things that at normal energy level I wouldn’t)
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    ChikelChikel Posts: 2,074 ★★★★
    Malreck04 said:

    Learn one thing. Medium intercepts are NEVER safe. There’s always risk. With light intercepts however, there is the element of safety because you can dex or even better block when the opponent doesn’t go for it.

    People say that and yet I almost never light intercept. Feels so weird and unsafe. I've been told otherwise but medium intercepts feel much safer for me.
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    Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Posts: 13,856 ★★★★★
    It's not consistent between all champions.

    Against some you will have a better time to do a medium intercept, against others a light intercept. And in some cases, the opposite. And in other's neither, since the AI will randomly act in a way that will avoid it.

    So don't count too much on that ability ...
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    UrchUrch Posts: 9

    It's not consistent between all champions.

    Against some you will have a better time to do a medium intercept, against others a light intercept. And in some cases, the opposite. And in other's neither, since the AI will randomly act in a way that will avoid it.

    So don't count too much on that ability ...

    I agree... for other champions but then, again, what's the point of creating this infuriate debuff if AI acts exactly the same way when facing someone who doesn't have one ? If there is no difference, then for me it's not working as it should...
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