Player needing plat at least aw likely map 5

I’ll wait as long as it takes to find a team where you get aq done before the last 6 hours. There’s absolutely no reason map 5 should take til the last few hours or seconds to complete. I’m cool with vibing around plat 4 3 but I absolutely need a team who finishes aq fast where I don’t need to carry. Thank you. Line id hotfizzle05 or I have discord twitter anything you guys want to use np. Path 9 in was in the only issue as I don’t use ghost or quake but if you do I’m sure you I’mow it’s a joke with them yet hilariously I can do the most difficult nodes in aw. I have insane defenders. Also would like the work smart not hard and have a team where you set up defenders etc in a way where we use our strengths and not be lazy brute forcing wins because of our laziness to find the best defenders on the team. Hmu if that’s you. If not that’s ok too. I’ll wait. Derek2k ign