I have a request kabam I would be so happy if u do it

Can u make purchaseable iso 8 I’m stuck and I need more to level up my magneto 5 star plz help like 5000 gold for tier 5 basic iso and 4000 for tier 4 and 3000 for tier 3 2000 for tier 2 and 1000 for tier 1 please do I will be so happy


  • Gosh227Gosh227 Member Posts: 37
    I’m 100% certain like 200 other people want this to happen to
  • MutantA___4444MutantA___4444 Member Posts: 186 ★★
    Dude even if Kabam does that it would likely be 350Kgold for tier 5 Iso 300k for tier 4 Iso 200K for tier 3 iso and so on

    But lets be serious Kabam wont do that
  • Gosh227Gosh227 Member Posts: 37
    Well why’d they give out 10 class tier 6 iso the next day after I wrote this
  • daveyj_196_daveyj_196_ Member Posts: 442 ★★
    As you have that much influence can you ask them to give out free units to everyone in time for gifting?
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    Because that was a random gift that happend to coincide with what you wanted. It was a pure coincidence.

    But others (not necessarily 200 people) have wanted ISO to be more available and I'd argue this week with the halls of glory, you have your shot.
  • Gosh227Gosh227 Member Posts: 37
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