The Hood players: have you noticed a big difference before and after awakening him?
I have a 5* hood and have 2 Mystic Awakening Gems. Wondering if The Hood players see a big difference after they have awakened him? I use him with Ghost and Ant Man. Let me know. Thanks!
Nothing big, just more power gain while invisible
The Color of his Stars have changed.
Tbh I wouldn’t awaken him. Looks alright but not too beneficial
I have him at r4 to help Ghost with his synergy and he is actually KOing more champs than Ghost! The take no damage synergy seems to still be broken, so that forced me to use The Hood more which was a nice side benefit. I now see he is more than just a synergy champ. He does great damage and has a lot of utility going invisible at the start of the fight. Now wondering if he is worth taking to r5?