No word on Hela yet?

We all have seen the videos now that Hela destroyed Red Hulk in LOL in less than 200 hits. For us thinking about spending for crystals or grinding out butts off for her, I think we deserve to know before arena is up and Crystal timer runs out if she is intended to be this way or will she be fixed. Cause she will definitely be an LOL killer. Don't make us waste time and money on her just too come back in a week and say she is bugged and not working as intended. 1 Odin for 10 crystals is a lot of money. But don't mind if she's worth it.
Please respond.
Please respond.
read her description and judge for yourself if you want her according to those abilities.
Actually they're in Canada. We had our Thanksgiving last month.
She still looks like she will be powerful after thats fixed however.
After the issue and Kabam message with Hela/Loki synergy how can this be missed??? Sorry but I find it impossible to believe any testing is done.
The only things that are consistent in this game are: New champs will have bugs, emergency maintenance after maintenance, and canned responses from the Mods and Support team..
Just come out and say something honest for once. Thank you to the user community for pointing out the trash deliver stinks. Our dev team are garbage men. We don't have QA, QC, just quality garbage. But please drop an Odin to get the Hot Garbage crystals before they rot.
Lol. U think they will. Not. It was a selling scam
You had Thanksgiving with Kabam?
Definitely. At least better then the trash she originally appeared to be. I thought she was the next carnage or luke cage at first, but figured there had to be more to her then that.
Yeah, no. I live in the same Country. We Canadians had Thanksgiving last month.