Looking for Active members

ARKANG3L_2099ARKANG3L_2099 Member Posts: 129
So my mate and I run an okay alliance. We pull a decent haul and most of us are at least semi-competent.
Looking for active members who pull thier weight in Alliance Wars and Quests to join.
As most of us are higher except dud accounts etc.
Some people dont have a high rating and i personally dont care, but its what everyone goes by to tell if we are deemed 'worthy'.
A FULL TEAM OF 4* HEROES (5 at least)
We each need to pull out own weight and thats our sign that people can.

If you fall inside those recommendations, then please join us.
If you do not, join anyway. We love new people and always push to have new players.

If this interests you look for the alliance,
EveryDayDust or the tag RDR4
if not, look for;
Profes Knobs or myself, Eos Nano X.
Hope to see some new members.


  • SweatymuchachoSweatymuchacho Member Posts: 3
    it's hard to find members that are worth a damn. How about an alliance merger! We merged with an alliance about six months ago and now we're kicking ass!!
  • ARKANG3L_2099ARKANG3L_2099 Member Posts: 129
    As much as merging is good, we are nearly at capacity. Only if alliances were more than 30.
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