Did Thor rags damage scale properly from R2-3? Video’s to compare damage posted.

This first video of him is at Rank 2. With full synergies, you can see what synergies at the beginning. (Damge comparison will be starting after l3.
This next video of him is with the same synergies but at rank 3. I started the recording when I was throwing the L3.
Can anyone please tell me if this damage is scaling up properly the way it should from rank 2-3

This next video of him is with the same synergies but at rank 3. I started the recording when I was throwing the L3.

Can anyone please tell me if this damage is scaling up properly the way it should from rank 2-3
Sorry I posted the Rank 2 video twice.
Here is the rank 3 damage to compare it to
R2 has 5.4k medizms with 1 armor break
The increase is there, just because of the armorbreak RNG it is hard to compare