Compensation for those who gambled for Hela

I spent considerable amount of money trying for a champ that is being nerfed, had I know she was going to be so lame I surely wouldn't have spent the money. It's like paying for that 75" UHD 4k tv then being told that I actually bought 1080p 55" tv that, still a tv and still watchable...but alas not what I paid for.
Please address this asap
Please address this asap
This discussion has been closed.
You could be aware that it was a bug before she was even released...
Purchase one thing and get another, that’s fraud
Loot boxes, that’s gambling
Very close to quoting permanently and closing my whale wallet for good, unless Kabam surprises me
If you think changing her text description from 10 extra souls to 100 extra souls is a nerf then you don't understand the meaning of the word.
Most likely you're mad that you bought her to use her clearly obvious exploit for end game content and now you can't.
I gambled for Hela because despite all the videos abusing her, I could see that real life gameplay was pretty solid. If you're aggressive then 4-5 fury is sustainable and the output is great. I didn't foolishly think that kabam intended for me to have 45 furies and 40k light attack damage.
Your example of being ripped off would be good if you changed it to "I was being told by YouTubers that I was buying a 75" UHD 4k tv but I didn't actually read the box when I picked it up and decided to spend money on it"
You tout champ descriptions as being an accurate depiction of how that champ performs and while those have some merit it has always been the youtubers to do the full vetting and this has been true of every champ that has been released going back to at least stark spidy.
The fact is the product being released here was not tested, therefore I purchased a faulty product. Now tell me what happens when you purchase a flawed product?
The fact here is that I’ve purchased a product that was supposedly tested, and that was not the case. Now can you tell me what happens when consumers purchase a faulty product?
You know just a well as anyone else there will be no compensation. No need to waste anyone’s time.
If it's something they can fix on the server side, or their end, that's a lot easier to do than something that needs to be worked into a Build or something that varies from device to device. If you're referring to Reward issues, that's entirely the server. Much easier to address. Same with the RNG of Champs. If it's an issue that requires a rework of the Champ, that will take longer.m
This was not a nerf. Bug fixes and nerfs are not the same thing, and we won't treat them the same. They should also not be discussed as being the same thing within our community spaces due to the confusion this could cause other players. Her abilities are correctly listed in her spotlight and in game descriptions. It is true that there were some unintended issues with Hela when she was released, but all of her documentation was correct, and still is. It is important to base your opinions on what Champions you want to add to your Roster on the official materials we release. Beyond this, it was very apparent to many that she was bugged, even if some hoped we ‘wouldn’t notice’ or address it. If a Champion is ever more powerful or less powerful than they are presented to be, or than is good for the balance of The Contest, it should be assumed that we will step in to make corrections when we're able to. This includes situations where any one given Champion appears to be wildly more powerful than others. While some Champions in The Contest will always be better than others, our intended goal is to ensure that even within this scale there is some degree of balance. Many players were able to easily determine that in this instance, Hela was not functioning as our design team intended her to and anticipated that she would be fixed. We feel this was an obvious bug, and we stepped in to fix it as quickly as possible.
Now that we have addressed this situation, we're going to be closing this thread down.