Compensation for those who gambled for Hela

SkylordSkylord Member Posts: 138
I spent considerable amount of money trying for a champ that is being nerfed, had I know she was going to be so lame I surely wouldn't have spent the money. It's like paying for that 75" UHD 4k tv then being told that I actually bought 1080p 55" tv that, still a tv and still watchable...but alas not what I paid for.

Please address this asap


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    There will be nothing. She was clearly bug, and the forums were full of posts with the bug.
    You could be aware that it was a bug before she was even released...
  • SkylordSkylord Member Posts: 138
    Not unless I was in the top 5... but yeah I did spend well before the forums and unofficial documented pieces on the bug were released. thanks for your support
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    The bug you're referring to was found because her description was not the same as she was performing. That can be found here on the Forum.
  • AduckinaboatAduckinaboat Member Posts: 3
    It's not a nerf though, none of her abilities are being changed, she wasn't working the way she should be and they're rectifying that. Fixing something isn't a nerf
  • RebusUIRebusUI Member Posts: 45
    They put out a bugged champ and knew of it before hand... so is it the guy who continues to play content that are bugged or a company’s incompetence for putting out bugged champ? I’m confused here... since kabam claimed their products are tested for operability. Also, if the bug exist they should have put a stop to it ASAP just as they did with LOKI damage output cap at 100k. Players spend on a newly released champ that’s what players do... don’t put out bugged champs... Better QA for the benefit of the player base
  • wookehwookeh Member Posts: 147 ★★
    If you watched any gameplay videos of her, and read her description, she clearly wasn't working as intended. If you gambled for her knowing she wasn't working properly, you clearly don't know how kabam works.

    If you think changing her text description from 10 extra souls to 100 extra souls is a nerf then you don't understand the meaning of the word.

    Most likely you're mad that you bought her to use her clearly obvious exploit for end game content and now you can't.

    I gambled for Hela because despite all the videos abusing her, I could see that real life gameplay was pretty solid. If you're aggressive then 4-5 fury is sustainable and the output is great. I didn't foolishly think that kabam intended for me to have 45 furies and 40k light attack damage.

    Your example of being ripped off would be good if you changed it to "I was being told by YouTubers that I was buying a 75" UHD 4k tv but I didn't actually read the box when I picked it up and decided to spend money on it"
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    So you gambled for her without knowing the actual descriptions of her abilities?
  • SkylordSkylord Member Posts: 138
    wookeh wrote: »
    If you watched any gameplay videos of her, and read her description, she clearly wasn't working as intended. If you gambled for her knowing she wasn't working properly, you clearly don't know how kabam works.

    If you think changing her text description from 10 extra souls to 100 extra souls is a nerf then you don't understand the meaning of the word.

    Most likely you're mad that you bought her to use her clearly obvious exploit for end game content and now you can't.

    I gambled for Hela because despite all the videos abusing her, I could see that real life gameplay was pretty solid. If you're aggressive then 4-5 fury is sustainable and the output is great. I didn't foolishly think that kabam intended for me to have 45 furies and 40k light attack damage.

    Your example of being ripped off would be good if you changed it to "I was being told by YouTubers that I was buying a 75" UHD 4k tv but I didn't actually read the box when I picked it up and decided to spend money on it"

    You tout champ descriptions as being an accurate depiction of how that champ performs and while those have some merit it has always been the youtubers to do the full vetting and this has been true of every champ that has been released going back to at least stark spidy.

    The fact is the product being released here was not tested, therefore I purchased a faulty product. Now tell me what happens when you purchase a flawed product?

  • SkylordSkylord Member Posts: 138
    So we know the drill by now, champ descriptions rarely are an indication of how great they are, recall Cable...

    The fact here is that I’ve purchased a product that was supposedly tested, and that was not the case. Now can you tell me what happens when consumers purchase a faulty product?
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    We all know Kabam doesn’t fully test anything
  • LightvayneLightvayne Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    But you went after a product that was clearly flawed. That’s like saying, “Hey, I’m gonna buy this car that has recall and obviously breaks down and when something go wrong, I can sue”

    You know just a well as anyone else there will be no compensation. No need to waste anyone’s time.
  • SkylordSkylord Member Posts: 138
    Yes when Kabam is the judge, jury and defendant no compensation will be made let’s just all throw up our hands and bend over.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    There's nothing to compensate for. The Champion Spotlight describes how she was intended to work, save for the typo. The issue being discussed is the Fury, which was meant to expire. I get that people are frustrated, but no system is infallible. It doesn't help to exaggerate these things. They're fixing her. That's not something they would have to give compensation for in my mind. The issue was spotted by the Player Base, so it's not like it was unknown as a problem. It pays to do research.
  • DrOctavius2_2DrOctavius2_2 Member Posts: 434 ★★
    It would have been a good idea to give the champion for testing to YouTubers that way this could have been fixed before her release
  • The_GrandmasterThe_Grandmaster Member Posts: 205
    My issue with this is how often Kabam will release champs that are "bugged" and if it negatively affects them it is corrected instantly but if it the other way around it takes months to be fixed.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    My issue with this is how often Kabam will release champs that are "bugged" and if it negatively affects them it is corrected instantly but if it the other way around it takes months to be fixed.

    If it's something they can fix on the server side, or their end, that's a lot easier to do than something that needs to be worked into a Build or something that varies from device to device. If you're referring to Reward issues, that's entirely the server. Much easier to address. Same with the RNG of Champs. If it's an issue that requires a rework of the Champ, that will take longer.m
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