Looking for an ally

hello I am 11,940 prestige player looking for an ally.
AQ: I have done maps 5-8, I really don't care what map as long as people are active.
AW: Literally don't care either I just want season rewards at the end. I have good defenders and rarely die.
I have line and discord so let me know if you think you have a spot. Looking to move asap btw
AQ: I have done maps 5-8, I really don't care what map as long as people are active.
AW: Literally don't care either I just want season rewards at the end. I have good defenders and rarely die.
I have line and discord so let me know if you think you have a spot. Looking to move asap btw
AW gold 1 pushing for plat 4.
Great grp of ppl from both US and Europe
Line Remeli
AQ map 6x5
US based
Add me on line at msusparty9
Mix of map 5/6 AQ. 300mil weekly
3BG AW finished G2, wanting to push for G1
Hello, if you are still looking. Here's my line "Khiem02."
Aw: formerly Gold 3, currently silver 1
AQ: map 5
US Time Zone
If you want to join a knowledgeable and chill but competitive ally, feel free reach out.
Line - runningwiththebulls
Game - killinghero33
Thanks ☺️
AW P3 rank 76 from season 31
AQ map7 x 5 days Boss rush
Contact me Id line: Warot.m
Line: asuoa650
Ign: asuoa650
AQ 665.
Alliance tag is G2050
Message me if interested at superman.ca both in-game and line app.
Alliance name: StarBrothers
In-game name: Avenger A-1
Line ID: avenger-a-1
Hit me up on LINE if you’re interested
ID is RaiderBob
Hit me up bosamith1977 on line
Line id : umer381
Line ID: spacejumper5193
You can reach me at:
in-game: zuffy
Line: zuffy316