Variants tips.

Hey, I recently reached Uncollected and am currently doing 5.4. and I have realized my actual need for T5B Catalysts. I tried doing story for fragments but both my skill and champions are a bit too bad / weak to go on. I thought Variants are an easier choice, yet I have no idea which one to do, how to do it and so. I have my roster here and my masteries set up so you can give me advice.
Please help me gather quick and simple T5BCs.
Please help me gather quick and simple T5BCs.
V8 is decent with any Deadpool characters. (Did the whole thing with Masacre, Hit Monkey and Elektra)
V4 can be done with any roster so I’d start that that
V5 and V3 are dependent on one class (Mystic and Tech) so those are tricky
V7 I hate but is definitely possible
V1 and V2 suck