Looking for Silver 1+ alliance that does AW and AQ

Hey guys, I recently left my alliance in search of a better one that's at least silver 1 - 2, if not gold(preferably gold). My main roster is 5/65 hit monkey, 5/65 sentinel, 6* R1 Guillotine, 5* R4 Venompool, and 5* R3 ghost(I've got a few maxed out four stars like hercules to sub in for ghost, looking to rank her to R4 soon). My prestige is 6,502, and I have a hero rating of something like 195,000. Looking to join an alliance before the next aw season. If you're in an alliance that's open or recruiting and does AW and AQ, please give me the name of it in the comments.
Thanks guys!


  • JetenyoJetenyo Member Posts: 140
    Hey there, my alliance would be happy to have you. [Cr396] Crash Course.
    We are Silver I/Gold III pending how the season goes. We've bounced back and forth the last few seasons. We have a spot for you in one of our AQ Map 4 groups if you are interested.

    LINE is a requirement, you don't need to be social if you don't want to. Just have it available for movement call outs.
  • Frenzy45Frenzy45 Member Posts: 105
    We are Hellfire Club (HFC). We are Gold 3 in AW and run 2 BGs and pushing towards Gold 2. We run 3 BGs Map 5 AQ and score over 260 million each week. Send me a message in game or Line app at frenzy45
  • ChaoscauserChaoscauser Member Posts: 13
    fyi i don't have line
  • StinkomanStinkoman Member Posts: 38
    Gonna have a hard time finding a serious alliance without it, but good luck.
  • KhiembeouKhiembeou Member Posts: 32
    We’re looking to recruit couple players. Search “Alliance Force” to join or add me “Khiembeou5” in game. We do both AQ & AW, and we do map 4&5 for AQ.
  • red_Spidyred_Spidy Member Posts: 32
    Join our ally.. search for last rise or add red_spidy in the game. We do AQ map 4 and AW S2. U dont need any line account or discord to join our ally.
  • Nephilim206Nephilim206 Member Posts: 69
    The Demolition Crew (TS89) is looking for new members! We are currently open, so feel free to join and add me in game to get up to speed. We run map 5 with master mods, and run war during the season. We can help you keep building your account! Line is preferred but not required as long as you’re actively participating in-game.
  • Baby_BillyBaby_Billy Member Posts: 22
    edited February 2022
    Untainted family of alliances has everything you’re looking for . Contact theabusementpark on the line app . ( NXTP ) look some of us up …😉
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