Some random Battlegrounds thoughts

Hi, folks! Obviously, I have been playing, trying to get in there and test the mode, test my skills, beat some of you annoyances into cosmic dust as my very name makes the multiverse itself tremble in fear…
Um, er, where was I?
Oh. Yes. Battlegrounds thoughts.
Obviously, the mode isn’t working as intended. I never won multiple fights within the same matchup, because it would not advance to the second fight, just like everyone is reporting.
This post isn’t addressing bugs — Kabam is gonna get that sorted. It’s a Beta. They’ll get it sorted. This post is more for what I see/think could be a very fun mode:
1. If you’re a newer player just advancing to Uncollected and beyond, don’t be afraid to put some resources into some of the quirky characters this game has that you like. Obviously, the elite characters are who they are. Everyone knows them, and you certainly have to do whatever is best for your account progression. But we can only ban three characters, and trust me, the only characters that made me nervous in the ban/fighting phase were those who are just quirky enough to punish the slightest dip in concentration.
2. The ban phase is long enough, but the selection phase(s) could maybe use one or two more seconds. I understand it can’t be forever, and honestly, I don’t want it to be. But at the same time, there are 200 characters in the game and holy smokes, trying to remember all the counters in your deck for the tough characters you didn’t ban does take a few seconds.
3. I am uncertain if Boosts have been allowed in the Beta. I hope not, and don’t think they should be now and moving forward. People have different Masteries, different favorite characters, different rosters and skill levels. That should be enough for the mode to be really competitive — I matched in five times, maybe six, and went through the Ban phase. Again, some of the most effective characters in the game were consistently ranked up, but I did see a decent amount of other characters in the decks.
4. I don’t love 15 Energy cost. But it’s…OK. I would rather it be 10, since it’s going to be part of it. I understand 5 wouldn’t be enough.
5. It is fun — seriously. Advancing through the Ban phase and actually seeing another real person’s roster choices, seeing how they intend to counter you or beat you…it really is fun. The mode could be really, really good.
That’s all I got, for now!
Sincerely, the World’s No. 1 Ranked Player (What?) 😎😎
Um, er, where was I?
Oh. Yes. Battlegrounds thoughts.
Obviously, the mode isn’t working as intended. I never won multiple fights within the same matchup, because it would not advance to the second fight, just like everyone is reporting.
This post isn’t addressing bugs — Kabam is gonna get that sorted. It’s a Beta. They’ll get it sorted. This post is more for what I see/think could be a very fun mode:
1. If you’re a newer player just advancing to Uncollected and beyond, don’t be afraid to put some resources into some of the quirky characters this game has that you like. Obviously, the elite characters are who they are. Everyone knows them, and you certainly have to do whatever is best for your account progression. But we can only ban three characters, and trust me, the only characters that made me nervous in the ban/fighting phase were those who are just quirky enough to punish the slightest dip in concentration.
2. The ban phase is long enough, but the selection phase(s) could maybe use one or two more seconds. I understand it can’t be forever, and honestly, I don’t want it to be. But at the same time, there are 200 characters in the game and holy smokes, trying to remember all the counters in your deck for the tough characters you didn’t ban does take a few seconds.
3. I am uncertain if Boosts have been allowed in the Beta. I hope not, and don’t think they should be now and moving forward. People have different Masteries, different favorite characters, different rosters and skill levels. That should be enough for the mode to be really competitive — I matched in five times, maybe six, and went through the Ban phase. Again, some of the most effective characters in the game were consistently ranked up, but I did see a decent amount of other characters in the decks.
4. I don’t love 15 Energy cost. But it’s…OK. I would rather it be 10, since it’s going to be part of it. I understand 5 wouldn’t be enough.
5. It is fun — seriously. Advancing through the Ban phase and actually seeing another real person’s roster choices, seeing how they intend to counter you or beat you…it really is fun. The mode could be really, really good.
That’s all I got, for now!
Sincerely, the World’s No. 1 Ranked Player (What?) 😎😎
Whenever I previously heard content creators and forum posts talk about the “Single Player Combat Mode” it made me think this wasn’t a mode for me. That I wouldn’t want to play it.
After 3 goes that we’re only half the fights it should have been, I can honestly say I love it so far. Choosing the dec, strategising about who to choose as the attacker and defender based on their selection. It’s honestly a great time.
The 15 energy cost would stop me playing if it continued that way. 5 should be the maximum. I think people have put this ideas forward but If Kabam wanted to monetise it, a better way is probably a separate currency, with 10 entries a day then 5 units to buy in once those entries are used up.
Anyway, great mode Kabam. Really good work. And hopefully people will appreciate this is a beta, not the final game mode, so there will be teething problems and points of learning to iron out. We’re quick to judge the real problems in the game but some people are going for the jugular because a beta wasn’t perfect on deployment. It’s not the full game mode that’s been launched. It’s a beta that’s being tested.
I think finally there is going to be a few champs that will perpetually sit in the cellar.
It’s pretty clear, how people are gonna approach it — whether someone likes offense or defense or a mix with utility, it is crystal clear which kits are simply not capable of competing in this mode.
I don’t want to get too off the rails, because it really is a promising mode. I have been able to string together numerous matches in a row, as the game mode has stabilized.
But yeah. The buff program is really, really important. Any pull going forward a kit that can’t be competitive…man. That ain’t great
Team building and counter play tactics have always been one of my favorite parts of the game, it’s why I loved Grandmaster’s Gauntlet so much. Now I get to micro-dose that dopamine hit of a well thought out counter pick.
I've taken the ban process and started using it like war.... ban Human Torch every round.
I totally banned the first one I saw, because I knew what that was all about. I tried to take the down the next one I didn’t ban, almost got her down with an OML, but yikes. She’s a hard one to kill — because I know what I am doing with OML
The time investment is perfection you can just jump in and play when you need, the strategy element is like a war match up on micro scale and it’s beautiful - you feel like you’re outsmarting your opponents pulls.
The roster investment feels amazing, you feel like you can use any and all the champs you’ve ranked.
I can’t wait to see new nodes added, reward systems added and everything else.
The one change that I hope makes it to the live version (kinda) is that individual champions do not need a cooldown. Unless it’s a very high amount. There isn’t a need for energy to play, and each champion having energy as well.
The good thing about this mode is that it’s not like arena where you get points added cumulatively and you can just grind and grind adding more and more with no skill. If you try that here and your skills aren’t up to scratch, you will lose points and you’ll always just stick around your level. Because of that, there’s no need to gate entries as hard as having energy to play AND champion stamina. I think the 15 energy cost is fine personally, but it’s at its absolute max. 10-12 is ideal, but I can manage with 15.
I’m also so excited for friend challenging that will be such a vital part to enjoying this mode, but I also feel they shouldn’t count for any points since that’s easily exploited.
Overall, this is the most excited I’ve been about a new mode being added - literally ever. This has the potential to be Kabam’s Magnus Opus. Mode designers, hats off to you. You have created something incredible.
It’s getting a bit much, and it’ll really drain on energy resources which already feel stretched enough when it comes to trying to do Cav EQ, UC, completion of lower levels and then push in quest content.
Create a new energy resource like we have for War and AQ, make it identical to questing if needed. 70 max, same recharge, same cost. Or alter it to what is tuned best if they don’t work. But I just don’t think that normal energy should be used for battlegrounds personally.
However, I don’t know about creating a separate energy count for it. I like the idea of being able to pop an energy refill and keep playing here. I don’t want it to be like AQ or AW where I do my couple fights and say “okay well I guess I’m done here now.” I want to have the option to sit down with the mode for an hour or more if the mood strikes me.
I’m not sure what the solution here is. Obviously Kabam needs to have some kind of monetizable interest here, I just don’t know how to balance that with ease of access to the mode.
It surprised me so much, I just ate an L2 that absolutely nuked me 😂😂😂