Looking for new spot after AW season

Looking for a new relaxed spot after this aw season. At least gold 2, I don’t care about aq but can do any map. 12,292 prestige.


  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    You should add me In game and we’ll talk
    Joker 1976
    We are gold 2 and we run maps 5’s only for completions,..get just over 4K glory a week.
    Great bunch of guys and easy going.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    If not I hope it works out for you…cheers.
  • OnkyOnky Member Posts: 334
    Hey there, did you find an alliance?

    We are gold 2 map 556 but will be stepping down to only one BG war and 5x5 AQ. Looking for 2 people to join the family. We are very relaxed, no pressure, no drama. My line id is onky707.
  • ChronicGeminiChronicGemini Member Posts: 104
    Have you found an alliance yet? Would love to have you join us. We are G2 AW and run 5x5 with epic/Master mods

    Hit me up on LINE: Chronicgemini
  • Buck9studioBuck9studio Member Posts: 172
    Hmu in game buck9studio ... Read my alliance description :)
  • JokerGBfanJokerGBfan Member Posts: 17
    We are currently looking for a new player. Line is Jöker, in game is the same
  • Andy3202Andy3202 Member Posts: 62
    Hi, add me on line @ andy3202. We run map 6/7/7 and aw is optional.
  • Ground_Round1Ground_Round1 Member Posts: 1,012
    We may fit your bill...
    looking for 1...a long time guy has been eaten up by real life.

    We are a group of moderate players who work together to maximize rewards. Most of us are old school players who just enjoy playing without all the AQ/AW pressure. We like to play with those who know and understand the game, and don't have a lot of patience for repeated shenanigans.

    We are looking for players with 9K prestige and have earned Cavalier status.

    AW: 2 BG's in season, 1-2 BG off season, and often run theme tanks in the off season for fun and levity. Last season we were G2, but sometimes are in the G3 or G1 range. Usually there is no/little item use in our war effort. 5 war minimum per season. This season we placed G2.

    In AW, we will soon shift to a 3 BG war system. Placement of defenders will be expected, but participation will be optional. Hoping for G2 performance.

    AQ: 655, 655, 655, 655, 555 for 300+ mil weekly.

    500-750k, sometimes 1M SA weekly, small minimums just to help us weed out the deadwood.

    We use discord for group chat and are organized, this is mandatory for all ally members. You don't have to chat and be gabby, just call out routes, etc.

    Holler if this sounds good. We have had a stable roster for several months...come in and enjoy the laid back success.

    groundround#0363 in discord, Ground Round in line, Gound Round in game.

    Thanks :)
  • Silversurfer837_Silversurfer837_ Member Posts: 31
    Yo dude, if you’re still looking for an alliance after war ends, we may be the group for you.

    We are a high gold 1 alliance hoping for p4 next season. We run 3BGs, and war is mandatory in season. Off season we run 1-2 optional BGs.

    We run 556 AQ, but are 555 right now because we are down a couple members. When we get back to full we’ll return to 556.

    750-1million summoner advancement.

    Line is required. If you’re interested add me on line and we can talk.
    Line ID: silversurfer837
  • TriguyTriguy Member Posts: 61
    If you're still looking, chat me on Line - runfastdaddy

    we're an AQ focused ally, we run 65555 typically, trying for more 6. Usually 3 days of master mods, 2 days of epic mods, so we get about 320M each week for good rewards.
    We run 2bgs of aw, so you wouldnt need to do aw although we are trying to get more involved. We're currently G2 with only 2bgs and hope to continue improving, especially if we get more people interested.

    We're mostly US based, but we have a few UK /Europe members, and several gmt +5 and gmt +8 members, so we've got people on all the time basically.
  • PleasureDomePleasureDome Member Posts: 93
    We are a map 8 alliance in gold 1 pushing plat 4. If you’re still looking or interested, message me on Line, ID: pleasuredome
  • KronkKronk Member Posts: 23
    We had a guy just leave...DM me
  • KronkKronk Member Posts: 23
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