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6* Science Awakening Gem?!

Cap45Cap45 Posts: 419 ★★
edited April 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Don’t run suicides. Already have cap iw and torch duped, deciding on these 3, I normally won’t consider mr fantastic, but some videos I’ve seen lately convince me otherwise. Who should go to r3 and get the Science gem?

(I have no idea what content to to do next, this would probably be a war rank up)

6* Science Awakening Gem?! 8 votes

Immortal Abomination
BrokenAckbar67Ewell65SSS69Sparty6Quarantinedgemqm44willrun4adonut 7 votes
Spider Ham
Mr. Fantastic
JuggerNot 1 vote


  • Options
    Cap45Cap45 Posts: 419 ★★
    Also, I don’t have a lot of sigs right now, used them all on r4 kitty, and r4 Tigra
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