Is Venom, VTD, or Venompool most rank 3 worthy?

IcePickIcePick Member Posts: 212
edited April 2022 in Strategy and Tips
A look at tier lists will show opinions differ but I am curious what this forum thinks

Testing the against WS in ROL I noticed Venompool took him down with 152 hits, Venom in 188 hits and VTD in 199 hits. (All with suicides). Of course, VTD requires a ramp up of a few fights to hit 10 stored buffs and peak.

None if these are on the level if Hercules, Hyperion or CGR as damage dealers. They are more utility champs with good damages. I’ve used Venom quite a bit to shut down spider champs evading. But duped Venompool is able to do that as well, just not 100 percent of the fight.

Venom has more consistent regeneration facing buff heavy champs, but Venompool has better retention if facing a champ with armor up. Venom is the ultimate boss killer with his true strike buff, but that isn’t always needed at all

If you are lucky VTD will have a fury, regen abs power gain buff after his first fight and you will max those out. If that happens, he is a powerhouse and a top option. But many times it’s hard to get the buffs you want and it takes a very long first fight to get them in place.

Who do you think is the most r3 worthy of the bunch. And why?

Is Venom, VTD, or Venompool most rank 3 worthy? 60 votes

zuffyrcm2017Cap366Mysteriospiderbites0196IvarTheBonelessSnakepAlexAvalondangarang122Ewell65SSS69FiiNCHRax38Soyheyor123LpooADwar61630ishGiuliameijDracarusCowabungaHusain_b128 31 votes
BrokenLogan00Malreck04Moosetiptronicmikeimp123JuggerNotJhonST33EtjamaFuskieUvoginNimorMR_61088PastorAmericaRenaxqqqartweliRouger40casual0odishika123HoitadoStainA 28 votes
Venom the Duck
Archdemon_ 1 vote
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 663 ★★★
    I recently pulled him and it's a tank. The only thing bad is that VS debuff inmune champs (bleed inmune or debuff inmune nodes), his damage will be reduced a lot, following his stats his damage is a mean of 50% from bleed, or degen if a robot, anyway he is great.
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  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I think it depends on what you're after. I've never played much with VtD but of the other two my thoughts are this: I would rank up Venom to deal with spider-people. Venompool has a klyntar buff as well but I really dislike it not being on him from the start. If he's unduped, you have no way of making it a priority either. So, Venom wins out there. He's so incredibly good when fighting spiders in this game, it's insane. He'll be my next cosmic r3.

    However, I've seen some absolutely nutty gameplay of Venompool versus robots. The ordinary Venom doesn't really have a way to deal with them since so much of his damage comes from his bleeds, but Venompool thrives against them since he inflicts degeneration damage instead. In addition to that, every time VP is immune to one of their power drains, power burns, shocks or armor breaks, he gains a massive boost to his cooking meter. His damage just ramps up like crazy.

    So what type of champion do you need a counter for the most? For me, it's spiders. I already have King Groot that absolutely rinses robots but spiders tend to be the ones who destroy me. For that, I find Venom to be the better option. But I would love to have an r3 Venompool as well. Down the line.

    But if your needs are different, maybe VP is the better rank-up? Only you can say.
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Both Venom and Venompool are certainly 6R3 worthy, for use in different scenarios. Not that VtD isn't, but his usefulness in someone's roster is debatable.
  • IcePickIcePick Member Posts: 212
    Here is the unanswered question: when does venompool get use if I have CGR, Corvus, Hyperion, Hercules and CM on my roster?

    Venom probably gets the nod over any of those cosmics if you are in a path full of spiders, since he shuts down their evade the entire fight. When does venompool get used as a top choice for that scenario if you have a roster full of good champs?
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Because Venompool will shut down Peni Parker and Nimrod. He is shock-immune from Tech champs, immune to their power burn/drain and the damage that comes from it, incinerate immune if you add Sunspot or Red Hulk and he can be phenomenal with the Domino trinity (due to this synergy with Red Hulk and another incredible one with Masacre) and he can help you explore V8, among other things. Also, his SP1 can help you practically nullify buffs when the nodes make them nullify immune, since he bypasses that, contrary to Venom’s Sp1 that counts normally as nullify and is affected by those nodes.

    Rank up Venompool.
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