Unduped Mole Man or duped Diablo to rank 4 (6 star)

SquammoSquammo Member Posts: 523 ★★★
edited May 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Love them both, but just can’t decide which one to go with. Would really appreciate to hear your opinions. I do run LC/DE, which doesn’t really help with my decision either since both are great with it.

Unduped Mole Man or duped Diablo to rank 4 (6 star) 52 votes

RaganatorCaptain_007_yuwLibertyPrimeV1MoosetiptronicCap366IvarTheBonelessKGold29Mobile_P0tat0TRONG94ILLUSION8MR_61088Param1988Doctorwho13SwarmOfRavensXguard77BigBusterSparty6ScrubhanRiptide 29 votes
Mole Man
TendersquadzuffyHugeBeanbryce7mTotal_Domin01BrokenSCP1504Wine_LoverSunRiceNichj99Ewell65SSS69BerjibsDfour24TheExit27MCOCHazzaKhellendros1380casual0Da_MonstrousityCeltic1981AOLOG 23 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • Riptide368Riptide368 Member Posts: 114
    Both are great, but I’d go diablord
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,147 ★★★★
    Diablo. Think of all the lv3 pots you can auto farm in ROL!!
  • Hickdog27Hickdog27 Member Posts: 140 ★★
    I love moleman and almost used a 3-4 skill gem on him, but ultimately passed because he’s bugged and I didn’t want to risk him getting fixed.
  • KGold29KGold29 Member Posts: 43
    Even if they're both duped, I would still go for Diabo. I even used him on some poison immune champs just because of his sustainability and easy access to nullify. And his synergy with Kingpin is the best. You can bypass Cornered, Debuff Immune and Tenacity nodes with it.
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,723 ★★★★★
    These are my fav options for their respective classes But Diablord can auto farm rol
  • Total_Domin01Total_Domin01 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    edited May 2022
    Mole Man
    Mole man is a really fun character, even if Kabam does fix him he’ll still be really easy use against evade champs. I don’t use Diablo so can’t give him a fair shake, but would definitely go mole man
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,323 ★★★★★
    Diablo. Easy. Such a crazy champ with LCDE
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,229 ★★★★★
    Mole Man
    I have a sig 60 R2 Diablo that I never use but I have an unduped R3 Moleman that I use very often, including 100% exploration of 7.4.
  • Nalak8Nalak8 Member Posts: 387 ★★★
    Moleman already kills at r3 and his bleed can be amplified with DE but r4 will help Diablo more with his attack and poison which cannot be increased with the mastery. Love my r3 Diablo…jealous I don’t have the resources to r4 him.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,299 ★★★★★
    With suicides on diablo even questions the seat of Doom
  • mortenhymortenhy Member Posts: 492 ★★

    Mole man is a really fun character, even if Kabam does fix him he’ll still be really easy use against evade champs. I don’t use Diablo so can’t give him a fair shake, but would definitely go mole man

    He doesn't need to be fixed.. I also thought that he did, but as long as you go into Frenzy below 10 monstermass, you are good to go.. I'm pretty sure I was reading somewhere (sorry for the english) that it's intended and it's the description of it that just doesn't seem to make sense.. I'm not 100% though, so please don't hang me if I'm wrong 😅...but let's say it's a mistake... you think Kabam would give us that benefit for so long? I actually think he's working like intended.
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