7.4 kang, does torch have to have pre fight to be effective against kang?

RxisonRxison Member Posts: 22
Basically im just about to take on 7.4.6 and ive seen loads of people solo it with pre fight torch, and obviously they are very high caliber players, so if i used my pre fight and blew my chances at soloing cause im not the best at the game, would torch no longer be optimal? sorry if this sounds confusing i don't know any other way to explain


  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    I don’t think so. You do most of your damage when he’s stunned, so you should be able to get into nova quite quickly with the incinerates. Make sure you get to 20 temp, which you should be close to anyway.

    I’m not a hundred percent on this because I still don’t have a 5/6 torch
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,074 ★★★★★
    Not necessarily. I haven't mapped out the math of it all but just from reading his nodes, I think you might actually do more damage (or at least pretty much the same damage) with a no-prefight Torch as you would if you had the prefight activated. The reason is that Superior Kang takes more damage for each debuff on him. Torch places debuffs like crazy...unless he is in his Nova form, in which he places passive nova flames instead. As such, I think it might actually be beneficial to not use his prefight during at least certain phases.

    I think Kang is vulnerable to debuffs during his second and fourth phase but I could be wrong. I just remember that he alternates between being taking more damage per buff on the attacker and per debuff on himself.
  • RxisonRxison Member Posts: 22
    Ok thanks guys i completed it with ultron and torch
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,896 ★★★★★
    Ultron was my go to. Congrats on completing it.
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