Gwenpool Plot Armor not working?

Has anyone experienced Gwenpool being knocked out during a special attack. Did the way her plot armor is supposed to work change? I have survived Hyperion L3s with less than a 500 health but have been knocked by Iron Patriot and Black Bolt mid-special (both of them during their L2s which are the same form).

Just checking.


  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    Hey there @12ftNinja. This was most likely caused by Assassin Mastery, which can reduce Gwenpool's abilities enough to get her killed by a Special. Hope this helps!
  • MattManMattMan Member Posts: 435 ★★★★
    Ive noticed that if the Special attack being executed has more than one “hit”, she will survive the initial hit but the next will get the KO.

    For example, I killed a Gwenpool in AQ with Rogues L1....Gwenpool survived the initial punch but th next contact (life steal portion) killed her
  • 12ftNinja12ftNinja Member Posts: 6
    Good to know. Thanks.
  • 12ftNinja12ftNinja Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2017
    @MattMan That’s probably it - Plot Armor only protects from a single hit. Each hit wouldn’t register enough to proc the plot armor protection.

  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Her special ability states it's "per hit" indicating it should survive multiple hits.

    However, if your opponent has ability reduction, then you're more likely to die against a multi-hit special since she would need to endure multiple ability reduced hits.

    Additionally, her armor does not protect you against any debuffs like bleed/poison/degen that would proc from the special attack.
  • 12ftNinja12ftNinja Member Posts: 6
    @Dexman1349 Good point. That definitely explains why I *thought* it wasn’t working. I guess I should just stop getting hit by L2s....
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