Alliance searching

Looking for a teir 3-5 war alliance gaining those gangsta shards :)

Currently lvl 58 @ 160k rating
4136 prestige and map 5x5 expierence
Very active and line user
Contactable by line id


  • StRSlayRStRSlayR Member Posts: 4
    Same here
  • DonChapoGuzDonChapoGuz Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2017
  • DonChapoGuzDonChapoGuz Member Posts: 5
    @StRSlayR Look for me on Line app. Same name as here
  • hruehshhohruehshho Member Posts: 10
    join to DDD.
    teamwork, friendly and everyone wants to grow their power.
  • 1Durr1Durr Member Posts: 36
    We are tier 4 AW running 2 bgs looking for some guys to help keep progressing!

    Super Crazy Fun Time is the name of the alliance add me on line or in game same name as on here 1durr
  • BK_1BK_1 Member Posts: 145
    If you grind (we need grinders) please hit me up in game or on Line: BAW.KING. 11 mil alliance, AQ 55552, 2 aw per week, tier 3. We hit all milestones in all events (SA rank top 5%) so your roster will grow quickly here. sn6g4qnzw475.png
  • rickone1002rickone1002 Member Posts: 3
    6.5m active ally needs member
    Ign storyteller616
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