AQ Map 7 Mix master Bug

AQ Map 7 . Cable on Mix Master section 1 (parry Curse). I used She Hulk and always use she hulk for that path. But today this cable still can evade even when I give him slow debuff. Whats going on ? Seriously whats going on? I Spent items but its still happen
First vision I use she hulk, no problem
2nd angela I use shangci no problem
Then the cable with she hulk. Problem
This path is my default path. I've been doing this path with she hulk and shangci many times before. Only today I have problem with this cable
And what is this? Another bug, could this bug affect that cable ?
But my she hulk dupe bro. So mutant should decrease his ability more than 20%
If he at 120% like you said, then he should be still minus bro