Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Free Compensation

There was a time when Kabam acknowledged it’s game play issues, the result was weekly free compensation. The weekly compensation has ended but little to no improvement has been made, the gameplay and input issues effect all facets of the game, and is noticeably worse with the new update. The free compensation at least made the gameplay issues bearable since there was a way to recoup health. I’ve never had issues spending money on units for things I want, but to have to spend money to simply keep up with AQ and AW, which are supposed to be pillars of the game with rewards designed to help advancement, I’d rather quite frankly to play something else. Again, spending money on content I want, like sigils, daily cards, crystal bundles isn’t my issue, it’s spending money because the gameplay is so bad that I have to spend money out of necessity to complete AQ or AW.


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    BollandBolland Posts: 75 ★★★
    Completely agree Super. I don’t think I can recall a worse period for the game than it is right now.
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    EricZachary1977EricZachary1977 Posts: 38
    edited June 2022
    How to put this delicately... The game seems to be what medical professionals would call "circling the drain." The lack of communication from the PR department regarding the gameplay issues, the lack of a new roadmap in over a year, the specter of 7*s, the future of a fun but far too expensive and modder infested battlegrounds game mode without any disincentive to sandbag and fight against lower level summoners, as well as the cessation of weekly compensation for input issues that are as bad as they've ever been has me considering a move to FTP until the game dies. I'm not certain that the executives understand that free to play summoners and whales form a symbiotic relationship and without both there is no game. Some sort of acknowledgement of the issues the community is putting up with for this game would be appreciated.
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