Quick Help Button

I have been asking for 5 years for a HELP request button in arenas, because there is nothing I like more than hitting the HELP request button over 200 times every 6 hours ,NOT. So please add quick help button similar to quick fill in arenas so if not all the champs then at least the last 3 I JUST played with
I've been asking for HELP button for all characters for years! How come you still can't add this only function?
Also, there's another way - to send champa on help immediately so they don't pop up in the head of the roster and I won't need to scroll every time
It's the question of comfort gameplay
Add one-for-all help button
Optimize arenas grinding
Add chain pre-fight set up so there's no need to choose every 3v3 trio or use instant team button. With chain pre-fight set up I can make up a chain of fights and grind non stop until the last chain then I see the results. It will save a lot of time! Think about it
You need time to choose, also you need time to exit the fight. In chain mode fights go non stop, you can exit chain link no problem
Optimize arenas. It's a long-awaited improvement