Next beta update

Dave7099Dave7099 Member Posts: 521 ★★★★
When will the next beta update be to the inputs? We've had a couple iteration of battlegrounds and still nothing for the input refractor.

The game isn't in a playable state for many of the players and a status update would be great


  • Avocago65Avocago65 Member Posts: 47
    Hopefully sometime soon. There was an in game survey yesterday about it so hopefully that means that they'll at least look into it. I would like to personally just get to a point where the game feels like its playing the same every day. Since these updates its been ok some days, unplayable others and feels almost completely fixed in between Fingers crossed but not going to count on it for sure :)
  • JestuhJestuh Member Posts: 274 ★★★
    I wish I knew which levers they were pulling behind the scenes each day, or worse if it’s no levers…
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