Starlord is the undoubted king of damage potential but overall I think Stark spidey is better for the current state the game is in right now. Spidey awakened and above 50% health has competitive damage with starlord for over 100 combos but without the ramp up time. Besides the damage spidey has more reliable utility than starlord with his taunt mechanic, power drain on heavy and special attack evades. So starlord is slightly better for LOL but stark spidey is a very close second and is better in most other situations. When another LOL type quest comes out with even more inflated health starlord will become more valuable but till then spidey takes the cake.
Is Starlord awakened? No, Stark Spidey.... Yes, see below
Can you hold a combo above 100 hits? No, Stark Spidey... Yes, Starlord