Omega Red Death Spores

JimD50JimD50 Member Posts: 11
I’m only getting 10 death spores, no higher!,,

Is this a bug


  • JimD50JimD50 Member Posts: 11
    I tried sp2, won’t go above 10. The last update is when I noticed this
  • JimD50JimD50 Member Posts: 11
    Have suicides on
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    do you have a video? i haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary with him
  • WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    Just tested it in practice mode. No suicides on and when I throw an sp2 I got up to 15-16 with no trouble.
  • JimD50JimD50 Member Posts: 11
    Just tried it again Still not going over 10 spores, but noticed when I fight against Omega Red it goes over 20 spores.
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    JimD50 said:

    I don’t know how to take a video while playing

    Do you have an iPhone?

  • JhonST33JhonST33 Member Posts: 664 ★★★
    JimD50 said:

    I don’t know how to take a video while playing

    You need to be closet to the defender to place spores, as the comentes above You need death field (sp 2 or be below the effect of a bleed), to bypass the 10 spores límite, so if You has death field activated but You are away from the defender You won't gain spores and You began to lose spores.
  • JimD50JimD50 Member Posts: 11
    Im still playing Omega Red( he is #1champ), I’m trying to make video to send to you. I get up tp 10 spores with Omega , then lock them in with Sabertooth on the team. Then I hit, parry(4sporess)or block to add up to to 30 max spores during the locked in phase.
  • JimD50JimD50 Member Posts: 11
    Still having the same problems with Dearth Spores. On the team is Omega red, Corvus,sabertooth, Nick fury and Deadpool(x-force). I get up to 10 spores with this team.

    I just did a side quest America’s all star week 4, a different team with Omega red,saber tooth,APOCALYPSE,Archangel and Colosassus . It seem to be normal playing two quest. Let me know on your end or what you think. I’m learning to take video of my game play, if successful I’ll try to send it to you.
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    JimD50 said:

    Still having the same problems with Dearth Spores. On the team is Omega red, Corvus,sabertooth, Nick fury and Deadpool(x-force). I get up to 10 spores with this team.

    I just did a side quest America’s all star week 4, a different team with Omega red,saber tooth,APOCALYPSE,Archangel and Colosassus . It seem to be normal playing two quest. Let me know on your end or what you think. I’m learning to take video of my game play, if successful I’ll try to send it to you.

    Super Duper Ultra 🤦‍♂️.

    Nick fury and dpxf have a synergy that purifies the first bleed debuff so no death field for omega.
  • JimD50JimD50 Member Posts: 11
    Thank you Malreck04 , love playing OR. I’m over 50+, love The game and Omega Red. This was irritating.thanks for telling me what the problem was ,thank you Malreck04
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,935 ★★★★
    I made same mistake with my NF and DPX till someone told me 😋
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