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Help with Knull

I was recently lucky enough to pull a 6* Knull, however I have no idea how to use him. I know many people regard him as a top tier champ, so I'm looking for any advice on how to use him effectively. I'm currently on Act 6.2 and was wondering if he would be worth ranking up to help with Act 6 and beyond. Any tips are greatly appreciated!


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    Khellendros138Khellendros138 Posts: 551 ★★★
    Knull is amazing. High damage, evade/auto block counter, and easily stacks on enough debuffs to prevent healing with despair. For shorter fights I simply run to special one while parry heavying to maximize the number of living abyss debuffs, then launch special 1, and proceed to fight like normal. I'll do 5 hits and keep launching the sp1 to keep them corrupted. Of course mine is awakened with high sig so they start off with a bunch of living abyss already. It may be better to stack more of them then launch the sp3, then proceed to do the sp1 cycle with 5 hits.
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    Darkraw346Darkraw346 Posts: 2,092 ★★★★
    godpool said:

    I was recently lucky enough to pull a 6* Knull, however I have no idea how to use him. I know many people regard him as a top tier champ, so I'm looking for any advice on how to use him effectively. I'm currently on Act 6.2 and was wondering if he would be worth ranking up to help with Act 6 and beyond. Any tips are greatly appreciated!

    Yeah as the one above me said do parry then 1 medium then heavy to build Living abyss.
    Personally I always go for sp3 then sp2 then sp3 that's the cycle in long fights (unless you have enough time to do another sp2 in between) and if you wanna Regan just do a lot of sp1s
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    TimmytdtTimmytdt Posts: 564 ★★
    godpool said:

    I was recently lucky enough to pull a 6* Knull, however I have no idea how to use him. I know many people regard him as a top tier champ, so I'm looking for any advice on how to use him effectively. I'm currently on Act 6.2 and was wondering if he would be worth ranking up to help with Act 6 and beyond. Any tips are greatly appreciated!

    Twins! I got him just few days ago! I was about to ask the same but glad you asked first.
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