2* crystal update when?

Hey @kabam jax can you please forward this message to team. I have been playing the game since 2016 and since then I haven’t seen any update to the 2* crystal, it still consist of only the 2015-16 champs. Will it ever get updated?
For me I'd like to see something done with the 3* shards, they are one of the lowest value because even phc shards can get you a 4*. You can't even get a 3* nexus
I mean, at least make more 2* sig stones available?
Cause i know they re exclusive champs as it was said above, but i dont think any star rarity has THIS MANY exclusive champs!
Its just too many man, the crystal does need updating!
Dont even need to add em all to keep some exclusive, but at least 2020 ones and backwards should be added to premium.. or at least make Collector Crystal more available, maybe on solo objetives or sunday arenas idk
It's not just the sig stones, though, y'need AGs too and they're not that easy to get in the solo crystals. I keep getting useless XP boosts and arena boosts!
I hate that I have to open the 1k crystal to get 2* sig stones (very low quantity) rather than opening 10k crystals