EternityOfPain- Kraven unstoppable bugged?

In-Game Name: B3astBambino
Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S8
Device Operating System: Android 9
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 36.2
Game Mode: Eternity of pain Week 2
Description of the Issue: 1) When Kraven have unstoppable effect, sometimes i can't break him with my Heavy (First heavy hit him and Kraven is still unstoppable) it will not change for unblockable effect.
Anyone have same problem?
Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S8
Device Operating System: Android 9
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 36.2
Game Mode: Eternity of pain Week 2
Description of the Issue: 1) When Kraven have unstoppable effect, sometimes i can't break him with my Heavy (First heavy hit him and Kraven is still unstoppable) it will not change for unblockable effect.
Anyone have same problem?
Sometimes it works, @Kabam Miike
I did it with AA and after multiple attempts Kraven lost its unstoppable and didn’t get the unblockable thx to the neurotoxines. The fight was far more easy after that