**WE ARE NO LONGER Temporarily Reverting Tier 1 War Ban System**

After further discussion, the game team has made the decision not make adjustements to the ban system.
The previously proposed fix would have resolved the issue for Summoners who are on the cusp of T1/T2 play, and negatively impacted Alliances more securely in T1. Instead, we recommend that cusp Alliances switch to Manual Placement to your members to place the allotted 5 Ban Champions limit there.

Apologies for the back and forth, and for any confusion.

The Iron Allegiance is looking for 1 to possibly 3 players

IR-AL (Iron Allegiance) is recruiting active reliable players. We are only looking for extremely active players so if youre casual this is not the alliance for you. We're mostly looking for 1-3 players in the 150k-500k rating range to fill our last open spot and possibly replace a couple less active players.

About us:
-We were Silver 1 last season, 7 mil rated, very competitive and organized alliance looking for competitive players.
-We typically reach 750k in Summoner Advancement
-We typically complete all milestones for Item Use and Completion events
-We are currently doing Map 4 100% in all 3 battlegroups for all 5 days of the week for now while we help our players grow their rosters to handle map 5

Now that you've seen what we have to offer heres what we require:

-Must have line app and join our chat groups before being allowed into the alliance
-Must check line announcements regularly to keep up to date with what is going on (you will be kicked for not paying attention)
-Must participate in all quests and wars in a reliable way. (If players routinely wait hours for you to get on and remove their linked node this is a problem)
-Must know what linked and local nodes are and have some experience in alliance quests and wars
-Must join AQ and War in a timely manner. It is your responsibility to ensure your heroes aren't stuck when Quests and Wars start and you are expected to keep track of when these events start
-Must have at least six 4* rank 5/50 or better at a minimum but at least three 5* rank 4/55 is preferred

If interested in joining and you meet the above requirements feel free to contact me in game or on the line app.

I have had some issues with people adding me and messaging me on Line and I don't receive it so you can also comment your Line ID here if you're interested.

Line ID: therealjayjt
In Game Name: Kotogaii


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