7 star keeper idea

Sunny2Sunny2 Member Posts: 183 ★★
edited October 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
I know this will be shot down pretty quickly but one idea I had was why not allow the players to pick 3-5 of their fav 6 star champs to be upgraded to 7 stars when 7 stars come out (sort of like a fantasy football keeper league). It sucks that your favorite champs which you use all the time will become useless. It can literally take years (pools grown over 250 champs) before you can again use your fav champ again to clear content (for me it was my 5 star aa which I finally just got as a 6 star). Not being able to use my fav champs to me would ruin the experience. There still will be over 250+ champs (not including new ones) for players to reobtain and any seasoned player prob uses 20+ different champs to clear chapters currently. For kabams point of view, I think this would be seen as a player friendly move but also I can envision ppl looking to pop alot of 6 star crystals (financial motive) prior to the deadline to make sure they have a certain champ to be upgraded.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Never going to happen.
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Too OP, man
    This would kill the concept of bringing in 7-stars, or as some would call it, the chase
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    The whole point of the release strategy is to help close the gap on free-to-play versus Whales and your suggestion completely flies in the face of it and Not only would we be repeating history again with six stars but you'd be making the Gap even wider because anybody who has a maxed out six star would already be starting out with a maxed out seven star. You'd be causing a greater shift in the entire community that would cause more irreparable harm to the game then the current strategy as is.
  • Sunny2Sunny2 Member Posts: 183 ★★
    I didn't say maxed out 7 star I said the 6 star would turn into a 7 star but need to be upgraded etc as usual
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    Sunny2 said:

    I didn't say maxed out 7 star I said the 6 star would turn into a 7 star but need to be upgraded etc as usual

    Oh, well in that case, definitely no one is going to want that since six star signature stones are too rare of a resource to just have them disappear for an unawakened seven star.
  • Sunny2Sunny2 Member Posts: 183 ★★
    edited October 2022

    The whole point of the release strategy is to help close the gap on free-to-play versus Whales and your suggestion completely flies in the face of it and Not only would we be repeating history again with six stars but you'd be making the Gap even wider because anybody who has a maxed out six star would already be starting out with a maxed out seven star. You'd be causing a greater shift in the entire community that would cause more irreparable harm to the game then the current strategy as is.

    Also your initial comment about release of 7 stars will "narrow the gap" between ftp and whales is the funniest comment I have seen in a long time. Everytime they have released a new star class it actually widens it significantly as whales can buy more shards and pop as many crystals as they want. Usually it takes ftp alot longer to gain their first few 7 stars compared to whales.. by the time a ftp has their first few, whales usually have 20 or more. This would actually let ftp have a chance to compete more with whales.
    There are so many champs that don't need to be awakened ie apoc. Even a champ I love like aa who needs to be awakened I would possibly bring him up as a 7 and hope he would be awakened soon (or wait until July 4th when there's usually a generic awakening gem).. better then have him be useless as a 6 within a yr and have to wait yrs to get him as a 7...also once 7 stars come out, 6 star sig stones are going to be plentiful and no longer a rare resourse
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