Looking for new alliance

Line ID AbiStrange2.0


  • HustlaBoi9HustlaBoi9 Member Posts: 71
    Would you be interested in a newer ally? We are creating a family with the top ally pushing Plat 2.
    Discord is HustlaBoi9#9515
    Line is nohsek

  • ISeeGreeneISeeGreene Member Posts: 50
    Can’t find you on Line. Reach out to me ISeeGreene on Line
  • AbarttoirAbarttoir Member Posts: 39
    You’re welcome to check out my alliance if you’re looking for a semi-retired alliance. Can’t find you in Line.

    Semi-retired meaning no pressure or crazy rules. Only thing we ask is to join us on Line for communication and daily play in AQ, map 4 or 5. War optional. I can create a spot for you if you like.

    Alliance tag: Re LX

    My LineID: bart_isf
  • MemphisUSFMemphisUSF Member Posts: 164
    I’m the leader of a Map6 alliance that guarantees 450 million AQ/week, 2 BG optional AW(currently G2), and a structured low stress setting

    Line ID: Apocolypse225

  • JubesNoobsJubesNoobs Member Posts: 53
    I can offer a Female-led G2 alliance. Drop me a line at JubesNoobs on Line. Happy to get you on board.
  • RaiderbobRaiderbob Member Posts: 169
    Can’t find you on LINE

    We are a Gold1 ally and run AQ 5/5/5 and 3BGs of AW in season, highly organized and a very stable core dating back years now 😁

    Hit me up on Line if you’re interested. ID is RaiderBob
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