PI Inflation AWD Bug?

We ask our members to use a boost before placing D but this is way more than a boost should do. hot9noc2unrz.png


  • Sportsfan365Sportsfan365 Member Posts: 388
    Anyone else have this issue?
  • Vis123456789Vis123456789 Member Posts: 69
    the fact that it shows what it should be in total probably means it is a visual bug or a specific problem just regarding that person
  • Vis123456789Vis123456789 Member Posts: 69
    100000 rating is insane
  • Sportsfan365Sportsfan365 Member Posts: 388
    It’s like that for everyone in the alliance, not just that person
  • Vis123456789Vis123456789 Member Posts: 69
    does it make the defender insanely powerful though, if it doesnt then it would be a small bug easily fixed. If it does improve the champs then there is a big problem
  • 88Porkchop8888Porkchop88 Member Posts: 7
    I'm having this issue too. It looks like the BG roster page is not displaying raw PI. It's instead showing PI x the value of the node the champ is placed on.

    I'm running Android 8.0.0 on a Pixel 2.

    Please help. I use PI values when arranging AWD.
  • PolderpommiePolderpommie Member Posts: 68
    It’s showing the rating as placed on the node. If linked, it adds that too. It seems a visual bug - the totals are pretty much standard.
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