Champions That NEED buffs Right Now!

This discussion is just for ideas that champions, especially older ones that need significant REVAMPS and BUFFS to make them able to compete with newer champs which are ridiculously OP in this age. If you have any ideas of champs that need a BUFf and how it can be implemented, please list away here.
We have characters like Doctor Doom, Archangel that are cracked (which I dont mind but...) we also have champs like iron man OG which are complete noodles. We needs BUFFS like magneto for example or colloseus who were complete noodles and shameful if you managed to pull a 6* variant of but now, they are GOD TIER champs who destroy champs like iron fist.
We have characters like Doctor Doom, Archangel that are cracked (which I dont mind but...) we also have champs like iron man OG which are complete noodles. We needs BUFFS like magneto for example or colloseus who were complete noodles and shameful if you managed to pull a 6* variant of but now, they are GOD TIER champs who destroy champs like iron fist.
I believe SIM needs a complete revamp and be a god tier cosmic champ rivaling doom, ghost, human torch.
hope you enjoy. Please feel free to refine this idea!
(sorry its not organized well)
Tags: #symbiote #villain #offensive: damage over time #defensive: guard #Size: M #illuminati #offensive ramp up
IDLE: When attacking, blocking, staying idle, SIM now hovers like IM IW.
When doing specials, the blue turns to red (his blue glow)
Medium 1: similar to Dooms; heavy but not knocking down the opponent
Light 1: repulse blasts the opponent
Light 2: another repulse blast (different animation tho)
Light 3: A melee hit (sim forms his hand into a melee weapon)
Medium 2: knees the opponents head (basically his original medium attack hits now he hits higher)
Heavy: Similar to nimrods heavy, SIM charges his armour creating a blue aura knocking the enemy down (this attack is chainable)
Blocking: forms a blue energy shield
SP1: original IM SP1 then quickly knocks the opponent to the ground then up in the air and does original IM sp2
SP2: melee attacks followed by (smilar to nimrods second sp2 but faster) SIM charging up and shooting energy blasts.
SP3: gathers endo sym armour and attaches it to the enemy and then SIM rushes towards and launches enemy in the air and does a series of melee strikes and repulser blasts to suspense the enemy higher in the air then SIM gathers more endo sim amour and forms into SIM hulkbuster and does a mega unibeams face down on the enemy causing the enemy to fall to the ground.
Victory Animation: Something similar to magneto’s victory but more grand and him turning his blue glow to red. Basically something similar. Maybe him laughing.
SP1 : Extremis Payment Overdue
SP2: Exiting Extremis Program
Sp3: The SUPERIOR being.
AWAKENED ONLY: Persistent Charge: Carries Symbiotic Passives up to 999 and will be permanent and appear in every match SIM is in.
Symbiotic Buff: At the start of every match, SIM gains a Symbiotic Buff and for every victory gains an additional 1. This reduces damage sources by X and increases damage output by X and Critcal Rating by x.
Always On: Symbiotic Rejuvenation: Every 10% of health that is lost, SIM instantly gains 1% of health, this healing cannot be reversed.
Techno-Organic Repair: While below 15% of health, SIM places a passive power lock on the opponent for 8 seconds and recovers X health over 8 seconds. Once this is over, SIM combat power rate is increased by 25% and a passive Symbiotic Emergency Passive is placed which makes SIM not lose more than 5% of his current health in a single attack. Excluding SP3. When knocked out, instead gain immortality and unstoppable for 7 seconds but limited to only SP1 (SP2,3 is locked)
Symbiotic Defence: SIM is immune to poisons as well takes 15% less damage from damage over time debuffs
Always On Unless Knocked Down: Techno Defence: SIM has a 10% to life steal X health from basic attacks. Additionally SIM If knocked down or after the attacks of a Mystic’s specials or is stunned will disable SIM’s Techno Defense system 15 seconds.
At the end of the match, SIM converts his symbiotic buffs into passive and stores x% of it into his persistent charge up to a total of 999. Additionally his Symbiotic Defence also includes taking 15% less damage from damage over time passives and has a x% to convert poisons received into symbiotic buffs. All of his offensive debuffs have a X% to be a passive instead and making it last X% longer. SIM medium attacks have a increased chance of 33% to lifesteal and additional x% of health form the enemy.
SP1: SIM deals energy damage and gives the enemy shock defuff dealing X damage over 6 seconds, if the enemy is immune SIM gives a degeneration 20% more potent than shock over 4 seconds. SIM gains a symbiotic buff.
SP2: SIM deals bleed debuff which deals x damage over 11 seconds which deals a burst damage of x after, if the enemy is immune to bleed, SIM gains 3 symbiotic buffs and releases a small degeneration lasting 3 seconds.
Sp3: SIM releases a techno virus that deal x amount of damage to the opponent over 10 seconds, 12.5% of the damage from the techno virus will be healed by SIM over 10 seconds. Any heavy attacks done from SIM during this 10 second period any will consume a symbiotic buff (not passive) dealing x amount of damage of degeneration to the opponent for 5 seconds which can be stacked up to 20 seconds.
NOTE: SYMBIOTIC PASSIVES WILL NEVER BE REMOVED OR CONSUMED TO DEAL DEGENRATION AND WILL AUTOMATICALLY GO BACK INTO THE PERSISTENT CHARGE METER. Any remaining symbiotic buffs will be converted into passives and sent to the persistent charge meter after the math if SIM has won.
Past, Present Future, How times have evolved
SIM: Gain energy, physical, armour passives reducing damage by 15% and reduce power steal by 35%
IMIW: Receive 3 symbiotic passives at the start of every match. Increase the potency of armour up by 20%
Iron Man OG: Special attacks deal incinerate passives instead of debuff which is 50% more potent. SP1, Sp2 are now unlockable and drain enemy power by 40% max power
All: Buffs and Debuffs last 15% longer
Pathetic knockoffs:
War Machine: Debuffs are now passives and last 20% longer. While below 75, 50% health, regenerate up to 5% over 10 seconds.
Infamous Ironman: Special 1 now power steal and grants a non-stackable armour passive increasing armour rating by 1500 for 10 seconds.
Iron Patriot: specials cost 20% less, basic attacks have a chance to cause indefinite stackable armour breaks on the opponent reducing armour rating by 350 each
Shiny Silver:
Silver Centurion: Gain a fury passive lasting 15 seconds when heavy attacking increasing damage by 20% max stacks 3. All plasma and shock debuffs/passives now detonate after expiring dealing an additional 35% of the total debuff damage done to the enemy.
Goods times at San Francisco:
Daredevil Classic: Increate critical raring by 2500 and damage by 1500 as well as block proficiency by 1000.
Superior Methods:
Superior Iron Man: All Tech champions on team is no longer considered as metal.
Inferior Copies:
Hulkbuster: Gain an unstoppable buff for 3 seconds after using a special. Additionally gain a energy passive, absorbing 35% of energy attacks into power
Iron Man: gain 50% regeneration rate as well combat powerate by 50% below 15% health.
1) SIM main kit is to gain Symbiotic buffs and if awakened, build up his persistent charge like a combo meter similar to Aegon. The more symbiotic passives/buffs he has, the stronger he gets. He is a slower rampup champion, way slower than aegon but if you can spam sp2s especially and the opponent has lots of health, you can ramp if up pretty easily.
2) I forgot about synergies with venom and other symbiotes but maybe Venom genetic memory now has a limit of 30 instead and symbiotes are now poison immune and bleed resistent as well as immune to power manipulation.
3) I have made lots of gramatical errors so sorry about that
4) SIM now deals energy damage from his specials, and heavy attacks.
Rogue needs her abilities to work longer. Throw in some synergies that increase her damage and maybe like buff duration. Or even make it so that she gains additional powers like “if Magik is on the team gain limbo when power bar is gained” something really awesome like that.
Speaking of Magik… give her a persistent charge that buffs her damage as she kills mystics and dimensional beings. Give her synergies that align her more with mutants, give her an evade or some kind of teleporting mechanic representing her stepping disks (her literal mutant power) add her sword to her base melee attacks and throw in additional effects like randomly nullifying a buff, maybe change the special 1’s ability to something like a magical projectile with a stepping disk throw.
Give Loki immortality, invisibility, 100% resistance to cold effects, and the ability to steal passive prowess and fury with an sp1 and 3 and convert them into regular buffs.
Give Hulk rage that converts debuffs into fury’s that can’t be stolen or have their accuracy reduced. Make him 70% resistant to bleed and incinerate effects. Make him immune to reverse controls, invisibility (he can see ghosts idk) and fatigue. Give him regeneration similar to Wolverine X-23 (so good but not great) After an SP3 make him gauranteed to crit for X amount of seconds and if he has X amount of furies than the potency his doubled. When health is 20% or lower he automatically gains 2 rage buffs. Throw in some synergies that can start him off with furies, give him incinerate immunity