Alliance War Bug - Debuff Detox

Debuff Detox isn't working as described. The attack tactic states "If the Attacker reaches Max Detox Charges (Max of 6), they will consume all Charges and become Debuff Immune for 5 seconds."
The video captures the bug clearly in Alliance War while facing the Knull boss. When I had 6 detox charges, they were consumed but the Living Abyss debuffs remained, and Knull applied an Unsteady Debuff as well within the 5 second time frame. This means I never went Debuff Immune as described.
This makes an already very difficult, borderline, impossible. The season is days away, so please fix this ASAP.
I founght a knull boss with tigra (3rd war) and his living abyss debuff still remains after reaching 6 dextox charges