Two abilities. If you press block at the proper moment, it will trigger a stun on your opponent. If you swipe back, you’ll move back and dogs an incoming attack.
My guess? Very similar to Adrenaline but instead of having a small window to recover health lost... we might have a chance to recover a small amount of the power we spend for a Special Attack.
Two abilities. If you press block at the proper moment, it will trigger a stun on your opponent. If you swipe back, you’ll move back and dogs an incoming attack.
No reason to implement this as eventually new champs they release after it will find a way to make this ability increasingly worthless.
We've seen a lot of new time mechanics added, maybe a once per fight slow down ability. It's a shame they called the 6* ability adrenaline because it would be the ideal name for this!
In all seriousness perhaps it increases their attack rating when opponent is parried.