Why EOP tarrax protection is not getting removed while intercepting with special

AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 469 ★★★
Another on purpose bug of kabam. I tried so many with sunspot to intercept with special to get the good damage but protection is not getting removed. Then i thought I am not intercepting properly then i have used hercules. Because when you intercepting with special with hercules then you can see on screen in writing. But with hercules i didn't get single shot to remove protection while intercepting with special. There is not written in node that we should intercept with basic attack then why this happening. Sometimes protection is getting removed but most of time not. Why is it happening kabam. If nodes are not working properly then why you release the buggy content. Pls fix this ASAP you didn't do it on purpose.


  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,640 ★★★★★
    The timing of intercepting with specials is different than for basic attacks. And it is also different for Hercules compared to other champs. For Hercules’ own abilities his “special intercept” is very lax. The window is very wide. But a champion like black Panther or venompool has a very tight window where it’s considered a “special intercept” in order to get the added bonuses. You basically need to launch the special attack the second the defender starts dashing at you for it to count. Not a bug, just annoying and difficult to time.
  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 469 ★★★
    @Maratox Might be you are right bro. But as I noticed i am getting 200% bonus attack on first hit. That means I am intercepting properly. It is just about the protection. You can try by yourself with herc or any other player. I am sure you will feel the difference..
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,640 ★★★★★
    I would need to see video proof that you get the fury but the protection doesn’t go down. I just tried with sunspot and Hercules. I did not take down the shield nor get the fury with either when intercepting with a special. I’m inclined to believe you just aren’t seeing things correctly. But a video may prove me wrong
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    The 200% bonus is part of the other node which too i think has a slightly different window than normal
  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 469 ★★★
    Bro I am not talking about fury. I am talking about the 200% damage..You just with hercules and intercept with special. Protection will not be removed. You have to only intercept with basic then charge special.
  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 469 ★★★
    Yes if you tried with both then what do say? While intercepting with special protection is not getting removed. It should be a bug right that node is not working properly.
  • IkthulisIkthulis Member Posts: 122
    It didn't remove for intercept with a heavy either.
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