Endgame players using 3*s in battlegrounds

I just read the update that efforts will be made to ensure players only use their best champs in battlegrounds, and I find it very disappointing.
I'm a paragon player, and this past season I primarily used 3*s in battlegrounds (I finished in diamond). I casually played it for fun.
I'm not defending adding a handful of 3*s for the purpose of sandbagging, but rather making an entire deck of 3*s.
I found that this method made battlegrounds much more enjoyable because it was more skill based rather than being about who had the better pulls.
It finally gave a reason to invest in and use lower rarity champs.
It was incentive to grab new 3*s from the arena.
It made it possible to try out and get a feel for new champs before investing in them as 5 or 6*s.
Finally there was a mode outside of the arena where there was incentive to rank up and use more than the current 10 meta champs (and it didn't take months of grinding to get the resources to do it). It was refreshing to see that bottleneck opened up, and it's really a shame to see kabam tighten that noose again.
This is something they should lean into, not away from. Make an option in battlegrounds that limits decks to certain star levels (optional, for those interested). Level the playing field by creating a more competitive mode where newer players have a chance for an even match against endgame players. Please kabam.
Let's see who's the best, not just who has the best luck at opening crystals.
I'm a paragon player, and this past season I primarily used 3*s in battlegrounds (I finished in diamond). I casually played it for fun.
I'm not defending adding a handful of 3*s for the purpose of sandbagging, but rather making an entire deck of 3*s.
I found that this method made battlegrounds much more enjoyable because it was more skill based rather than being about who had the better pulls.
It finally gave a reason to invest in and use lower rarity champs.
It was incentive to grab new 3*s from the arena.
It made it possible to try out and get a feel for new champs before investing in them as 5 or 6*s.
Finally there was a mode outside of the arena where there was incentive to rank up and use more than the current 10 meta champs (and it didn't take months of grinding to get the resources to do it). It was refreshing to see that bottleneck opened up, and it's really a shame to see kabam tighten that noose again.
This is something they should lean into, not away from. Make an option in battlegrounds that limits decks to certain star levels (optional, for those interested). Level the playing field by creating a more competitive mode where newer players have a chance for an even match against endgame players. Please kabam.
Let's see who's the best, not just who has the best luck at opening crystals.
The way I see it you also took advantage of the flaws in the system.
I also did the same thing and i was matching up with people who were cav and up.
Feels like exploiting a loophole.
All of the matchups were typically against tb or paragon players with the same 3* I had. It's more even. Half the time I was actially at a disadvantage because I'd be matched against players trying to sandbag with 5&6* champs.
Just to reiterate, I am not advocating for sandbagging, I'm advocating for kabam to allow people to utilize their entire roster for a competitive game mode rather than the same top champs. Give people the option.
Also, to my original post, if kabam made and option to restrict battlegrounds to a particular star level (not unlike the arena) in addition to the current system, it would eliminate people's ability to sandbag with 2*s and potentially create a level playing field where skill is the determining factor in the outcome moreso than luck on crystal openings.
BTW, I'm telling you I've done it for almost the whole season, why do you think your speculation trumps my experience?
Why isn't a more viable solution to do so with Friendly Matches?
3*s are what works for everyone. You've got it backwards. 7*s will just come down to either rng (who got luck with a good pull) or money ( who can afford the most crystals, offers, etc).
The rewards are currently the same for winning with 3*s as they are 6*s. All you have to do is not change them.
Why are you so opposed to a suggestion that would make the game more competitive, more fun, and give people a reason to be excited about opening (otherwise useless) crystals like 3* crystals?
But even so, it's one match and the 'creme will rise' so to speak. The good players will rise through the ranks just like how it works now. It just means the distribution will be more skill based than luck/spending. Are you concerned that as a paragon player I may be matched against the best in the game with the current system? They'd make short work of me. It's the exact same thing.
Someone also said above that you need to be uncollected to play battlegrounds. If they can become uncollected with just 3*s they'll do just fine against anyone's 3* deck.
Furthermore taking the competive aspect out of a competitive mode completely defeats the purpose. All my suggestion would do is give players an option to avoid being matched against pay to win players, or at least if they do it's on a level playing field.
Have a 'training camp' version for players who aren't uncollected so they can get their feet wet against other new players.
Having a 3* only option would just reduce the sandbagging.
If you would rather use your best champs go for it. I don't get why people are opposed to having an option that adds value to your 6*s and let's you try out the new champs without an unreasonable investment.
To each their own.