Should Galan get rebalanced/fixed?

BartolomeoBartolomeo Member Posts: 57
edited November 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
Guys, do You think that Galan requires to be balanced up/fixed/nerfed? Is he really that groundbreaking? Only place that he is instantly cut out are the battlegrounds. He hasn't been blacklisted in AW.
Me, as many others I suppose, opened over 20 featured 6* crystals yesterday and I took him straight up to rank 4 sig 200. He is honestly a beast but is he really such a gamebreaking champion that should require to get slaughtered?
Give me Your opinion, I wanna hear as many thoughts as possible.

Should Galan get rebalanced/fixed? 116 votes

21% 25 votes
78% 91 votes


  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    I hate to say it, but I think just a bit of rebalancing would help. Moving some of his burst damage to long-term damage would mitigate his power to burst champs down. It’s just way higher than champs we’ve seen like CGR who do the same thing
  • CapriciousCapricious Member Posts: 249 ★★
    Galan is solid. QS (now that we’re buffing people like Gorr) for “Stressful play without synergies” and problems in “complex environments” could use a tune to his mechanics.
  • PetieCameronPetieCameron Member Posts: 260
    I don't have him and I would love him don't think it would be fair to fix what isn't broke people love there champ sounds like sour grapes to me jealous ummm think so. He is easy to fight on defense so leave him alone.
  • BartolomeoBartolomeo Member Posts: 57
    To be honest I still can not see why he should get balanced. Of course he deals a lot of burst damage but You can see many champs with great damage that can also do some crazy things (CGR, Herc, Kitty). Also I guess that he will get banned in future AW seasons so there's another limitation. And he gets pernamently banned in BG's so here's another one.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★

    To be honest I still can not see why he should get balanced. Of course he deals a lot of burst damage but You can see many champs with great damage that can also do some crazy things (CGR, Herc, Kitty). Also I guess that he will get banned in future AW seasons so there's another limitation. And he gets pernamently banned in BG's so here's another one.

    The thing is you're name dropping two specific Champions that by Kabam's own admission would have been tuned down had the rebalance program been active in 2021, so you're kind of proving your argument as to why they would consider tuning down Galan.

    That being said, at the end of the day, they're going off of the data and from what I've read here, no one has made extensive threads going off of how he's the new go-to for everything over Hercules, CGR, Doom or Kitty, so I like his chances to remain the same. He's definitely a damage dealer but he's not being regarded as the standard.
  • PseudouberPseudouber Member Posts: 880 ★★★
    He's fine. He got some burst damage that makes him fun but he doesn't have much utility. He would be trash if nerfed at all.
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Galan's immunity to nullify and fate seal makes quite some mystics useless against him but value of Rintrah and Tigra have increased with Galans's release... Also I see him getting banned more in future in Aw and BG. Should he get rebalanced? Well they left Rintrah as he is so maybe he won't he isn't Hercules or Kitty.
  • BartolomeoBartolomeo Member Posts: 57
    His burst damage is only real thing that makes him special. Without it he would be like Corvus without his charges or Herc without immortality. His nullify immunity makes some champions more useful against him. Again, I don't see why he should be nerfed.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    It depends. I don't have him myself so take my words with an appropriate grain of salt, but I suspect that he's mostly fine. While his burst damage potential is absolutely insane in a BG setting, he mainly seems to thrive under specific circumstances. No one has used him in the current meta simply because the nodes prevent him from being overly useful. If Kabam can balance the nodes going forward so that he's not a massive powerhouse in every single meta, then I think he can work without getting rebalanced.

    However, I have seen some absolutely insane takedowns with him that outrival most of what I've seen with other champions. If we look at some other champions from this year, Scorpion can deal insane amounts of damage as well, but he needs both synergies and a long ramp-up for that. Rintrah, meanwhile, can also deal absolutely insane damage but the biggest numbers are reliant on his abysmally low crit chance so it's far from game-breaking. Quicksilver's damage is hidden behind a long ramp-up as well.

    What seems to set Galan apart is that he has very quick access to match-ending damage. We have other champions like that as well, but they have their obvious counters. If you try to take CGR or Hulkling against a mystic, chances are that you're going to get nullified to hell and back, only to then get clapped hard. However, Galan is immune to most natural counters. He is kind of similar to Peni Parker in that way - another champion who came out and just flat-out denied most available ways to counter her - but the obvious difference is that Peni has quite a long ramp-up before being able to access her own really high burst damage potential.

    We'll see what happens. I wouldn't be shocked if he was balanced down a bit. I don't think his max potential needs to be nerfed, but perhaps the super quick access to fight-ending damage could be looked at. Without having tested him myself, it's quite difficult to say whether he would be a more well-balanced champion by requiring a slightly longer ramp-up; but given what I've seen of him, I at least suspect that that would be the case.
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  • metalman695metalman695 Member Posts: 109
    In my opinion, after playing around with him for a couple weeks at r3, he doesn't need to be tuned any differently. Yes, he's got potential for a huge burst of damage. Yes, he's easy to use. But I don't think he's overpowered. I think his damage is perfectly tuned for Battlegrounds and for many fights in Alliance War, but a time for the longer questing fights or short fights don't really see him getting into his sweet spot. It's also pretty situational that you would pick him as an option over other champions. So personally, I think they'll leave him as-is. We'll see
  • dashisneatdashisneat Member Posts: 24
    Definitely not because I have him
  • Kappa2gKappa2g Member Posts: 290 ★★★
    edited November 2022
    1. His huge burst of damage in short fights isn't new in the cosmic class (CGR)
    2. To achieve those record time fights, it requires the opponent to have armor up generation or some kind of consistent power drain that triggers his sig.
    3. Any fight thats longer in duration than battlegroundss or AW, he is basically outclassed by other top tier cosmics (CGR, Hulkling, Hyperion, and obviously Hercules)
    4. Despite his unique immunities to nullification, he has no otherwise immunity to DOT effects (This does limit fights he can take compared to other cosmics)

    Conclusion: If he does get rebalanced in terms of nerfing the burst damage, he must get compensated for some sort of damage buff in mid to long duration fights, otherwise you simply have better options for short duration fights (CGR) and long duration fights (Herc) in the cosmic class.
  • BartolomeoBartolomeo Member Posts: 57
    I guess that we are about to find out - the Kabam's rebalance post about Galan and Quicksilver is getting nearer and nearer. Hoping thst both champs are going to stay the same cause I just pulled Quicksilver like 2 days ago.
  • RiasGremoryRiasGremory Member Posts: 240
    It Is Galan = Galactus , he does need to be Good as he is right now , stop bringing Kabam to Bad Ideas
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,122 ★★★★★
    And now you have your answer, he's not getting reworked or balanced!
  • SpaceCorpSpaceCorp Member Posts: 73
    I think Galan is good as is, but I agree with KDoggg2017, it is KABAM's choice if they want to rebalance the guy.
  • Shriek_And_DonkShriek_And_Donk Member Posts: 26
    I honestly think it would be dumb to rebalance or nerf Galan dudes literally an alternate version of galactus
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,188 ★★★★★

    I honestly think it would be dumb to rebalance or nerf Galan dudes literally an alternate version of galactus

    Kabam's Vegetarian version of Galactus. Fortunately he's safe and yea, he's not Herc or Kitty level. Those two are absurd! (got them both as R4. Lol.)
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