Rank Up Help Please.

HrideyyHrideyy Member Posts: 44
edited November 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Hey, I have got these 3 five stars at rank 4 and have enought resources to take one of them to R5, can you all please help me to make a decision.

Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • TeeBleezyTeeBleezy Member Posts: 41
    I think Havok is the best of the bunch. Once you get used to his rotation, he does some really good things.
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,167 ★★★★
    What sort of content are you focused on?

    Void is probably the most versatile, but if you were looking specifically for defenders in BGs or AW, Misty Knight may be a better choice.

    Without knowing the depth of your roster, I'd probably say Void.
  • DrenlinDrenlin Member Posts: 787 ★★★
    I’d go with Havok only because Void needs awakening and high sig to be at his best, but I admit I don’t really know much about Misty
  • TheParasiteTheParasite Member Posts: 408 ★★
    I would go with Havok, even though misty is good and she doesn't need that dupe. Havok covers more ground than her
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★★
    edited November 2022
    Havok is your best option
    He's a beast
    I'm currently working on taking mine to r5
  • HrideyyHrideyy Member Posts: 44
    mgj0630 said:

    What sort of content are you focused on?

    Void is probably the most versatile, but if you were looking specifically for defenders in BGs or AW, Misty Knight may be a better choice.

    Without knowing the depth of your roster, I'd probably say Void.

    Hey, I am currently focused on story quest mainly.
    I am Currently wanting to try and go for 5.3 and 5.4.

    Here is the rest of my roster.

  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,167 ★★★★
    Well I have to admit, I got Havok rather late in his existence, and with the slew of amazing mutants out there, I've never ranked him up to use for anything. I know he can be a pretty rough defender, and on attack, he's great for content that deals energy damage.

    He's definitely a solid champ, I wouldn't argue that. But I think I'd still go with Void. As others have said, he gets the most value being awakened and high sig, but I personally think he's a staple that everyone should have ranked up on their roster, and he's no slouch when not awakened.
  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,278 ★★★★
    Don't go for void (if unawakened/low sig). 5.3 and 5.4 have paths like masochism, buffet, vigor, bane and resistor. Havok would probably be the better choice here.

    That said, I am a big fan of Misty and her ability to stay unblockable. It would definitely help transfer bane when the opponent is being passive and blocking. Plus, if you don't throw any specials, you could just stay unblockable and not need to parry to gain openings. Thus, ignoring masochism in a way.
  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,146 ★★★★
    Void can help a lot for variant 6: contamination as it's for villains. There are few cheese paths on youtube you can use lower ranked but he will be your main lane cleaner. Reward for 1 clear is a 4>5 rank up gem to bring another champ up to rank 5
  • HrideyyHrideyy Member Posts: 44

    Don't go for void (if unawakened/low sig). 5.3 and 5.4 have paths like masochism, buffet, vigor, bane and resistor. Havok would probably be the better choice here.

    That said, I am a big fan of Misty and her ability to stay unblockable. It would definitely help transfer bane when the opponent is being passive and blocking. Plus, if you don't throw any specials, you could just stay unblockable and not need to parry to gain openings. Thus, ignoring masochism in a way.

    I like misty's unblockable but havoc's damage is quite good.
    So I am kind of torn tbh.🤭
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